Select one theory from the list below. Find 1-2 peer-reviewed, empirical research articles published since 2008 that use this theory as a basis for their research.

Select one theory from the list below. Find 1-2 peer-reviewed, empirical research articles published since 2008 that use this theory as a basis for their research. The article(s) you select must include some focus on males and females as well crime or delinquency more generally. The article(s) must specifically test one of the theories listed below. If you use more than one article, you need to make sure they are addressing the same theory.

General strain theory
Strain theory (traditional)
Labeling theory
Social control theory (also called general theory of control or simply “control theory” by some)
Power control theory

Your paper must include some discussion of Belknap’s examination of the theory and relevant course concepts. In your paper you need to describe the theoretical framing of the article, discuss the sample (size, composition), methods (basic information such as use of interviews, use of a particular data source), data source(s), whether the research was primary (the author(s) collected the data) or secondary (they didn’t collect the data, but they are analyzing it), the research question(s) they examine, limitations of the study, major study results, and the contributions this study makes to our understanding of gender and crime/delinquency. In your discussion of the study and the results, you must also explain how and why this article addresses the “invisibility” of women in criminological. If you feel the article does not address the “invisibility” of women in criminological research or does not address this well, you must explain and include some discussion of what gap remains.

This paper must be submitted on Canvas prior to the start of class on the date it is due. All papers will be checked for plagiarism using TurnItIn on Canvas. Papers must be submitted in .docx, .doc, or .pdf format.

Use APA or ASA citation style for in-text citations and references. Include your first and last name, the course number and course section number, and word count in a single-spaced header at the top of the first page. Do not make a title page. Use 1” margins, double-space your paper, write in 12-point Times New Roman font. Number your pages. Your paper should be 400-750 words in length not including references, headers, or page numbers.