Recommendations for the Sabin Center

The Sabin Center is responsible for developing legal strategies and techniques to help fight climate change, for training students and lawyers in their use, and for providing latest updated resources on the very key topics and issues affecting climate change law and regulation. The president of America and so many congress members have suggested changing and undoing most or considerably all of the climate change efforts made by the previous Obama administration. This has necessitated the Sabin Center to put in place the Climate Deregulation Tracker that  is responsible for monitoring the efforts undertaken by the Donald Trump government in scaling back or completely eliminating federal climate adaptation and mitigation measures. The tracker too can monitor efforts by the congress to annul and revoke statutory, regulations, provisions, and guides concerned with climate change and those that are being enacted to undermine climate change (Leibach, 2017).

With the current new government which has already shown and begun expansive efforts to repeal and chip away the environmental policy, it is time for the Sabin Center more and more news agencies and sources to help them promote their agenda and policies. By default, many of the sources may be shunned away by the power in the new administration regime. Consequently, in reaction to that, is the very right timing that the Sabin Center and other affiliate Climate Agencies spanned wide their stake and awareness through engaging other promotional sources to stage a bigger campaign for them and their agenda than ever before. Though not an outright abolishment, the Trump administration is actively trying to deflate the climate agencies, Sabin Center included, by making a thousand cuts into their systems and cutting their budgets. For instance, the EPA’s budget is in for a budget cut of up to 30 percent (Leibach, 2017).

The deregulation tracker which can show side by side what is already in the  legislations and books pertaining climate change and what the Trump administration is doing to repeal and dismantle such climate change  policies is not enough alone. Basically, many people can access the tracker but again not everybody. The Sabin Center must take the awareness a notch higher by engaging other climate change agencies and bodies, global media stations and even local stations in the fight to avoid such malicious and power hungry climatic degradations. For instance, what repeal would one advocate for in the clean power plan and stream protection rule? It sounds rather absurd and naïve for one to reverse such a rule instead of promoting it further (Leibach, 2017).

Regrettably, the sources that are currently and have been talking about climate policy, many of them are inclining to the Trump Administration climate repeals and changes. There is uncommon bias and double standards as many can only see one side of the coin, Trump’s side, and the destructive side for that case. If something is good, it is just good no matter who does it. The Trump administration should not hate on Obama to the extent of dismantling his climate change regulations and provisions which are god and have proved effective. The hate and bias should and must be avoided for it only encourages more climatic loss and loss of funds to rebrand the policies in favor of the Trump administration. The sources are not reporting and making awareness of the wasteful and meaningless climate policy changes that the Trump administration is making but only identifying the few strengths of such bad changes. I strongly recommend that they should be avoided and the Sabin Center among other climate agencies look for more sources of awareness and promotion (Leibach, 2017).


Leibach J. (2017). What to Expect from Trump’s Environmental Policy: Two Environmental Law Experts Discuss Threats to the EPA and Other Agencies, Science Friday. Web:, April 27, 2017.