Nurses and doctors should be given a global visa.

This Final Signature Assignment paper is a persuasive essay, which means we need to make an argument and try to get
the audience to agree with the argument we are making. The controversial topic is “Nurses and doctors should be given a global visa.” Our side is “yes”.
This argument must be made in such a way that we will not be alienating those who might disagree.

Write a thesis statement and three sentences to support it. Sentences should make smaller arguments designed to support the overarching argument of the thesis statement.

Will this global visas be harmful or helpful?

What governments, countries or views oppose to this idea?

The following are points also needed to be addressed in the paper:

Is this a topic of current interest? Yes because…

People is these segments “x,y,z” may disagree because…

We want to address this to all world aid and humanitarian organizations (what are they, indicate the 5 strongest ones).

Why do we want to convince them to agree with us?

Is there any relevant outside information on this topic that can be included in this essay? (facts, case scenarios of U.S. nursing saving lives because are able to practice in other countries, and case scenarios when lives were lost or affected because U.S. nurses were not allowed to practice.