Failure/Rejection and Success

profile a famous entrepreneur, scientist, inventor, technology leader, writer, director, or artist. You may choose from the list of candidates provided or you may select your own person. The focus of the profile will be on how this person had their creations rejected or had their creations
fail, and then went on to be very successful. (For the purpose of this assignment, creations are defined as business, invention, technology, film, book, TV show, or work of art.)
What this paper isn’t: A biography. Don’t include information about their childhood, where they went to college, their family, their hobbies, etc. The focus is on overcoming failure/rejection on the road to success. Thinks of this as a small part of their life, closer to a chapter or an article than a book. Also, the paper is not about people overcoming discrimination, adversity, disability, physical illness, mental illness, addiction, prison, economic challenges, tragedy, natural disaster, or crime, and then finding success. For example, Oprah Winfrey experienced discrimination and poverty, but the topic for this paper would be about when she was fired from TV. It’s possible that your person experienced multiple failures. For example, James Dyson has over 5,000 failed prototypes. If your person falls into the multiple failures category, there is no need to go
over every failure/rejection and or several that are related.
Your final paper is required to be a minimum of 1000 words (depending on the way you write, this is about 3-4 pages).
Your proposal must include:
• Your topic: The name of the person, and a brief description of their failure
• At least 2 of the sources that you will be using
It might also include:
• Additional sources
• Information about the effect of the failure on their success