Identify one quality management project in your area of practice which was set up in the last three years with a specific focus on improving the quality of patient care.

Identify one quality management project in your area of practice which was set up in the last three years with a specific focus on improving the quality of patient care.

 Present a short account of the process that led to this quality project and include a summary of its relevance to your area of practice.

 Outline the quality tools/techniques or audit measures used in the initiative/project.

 Critically discuss how the outcomes of the initiative/project improve patient safety, the quality of care and addressed risk management.

 Present the process and outcome of the project in a simple diagram/flow char and include as an appendix with the assignment

 Support your assignment with relevant national and international literature. ( minimum 15 reference)

The purpose of the assignment is to focus on a quality management project/initiative in your

area of clinical practice. This guide sets out a method for structuring the assignment. The

assignment must be referenced to support the points you are making using the Harvard referencing.

Introduction (200 words)

  • The introduction should set the scene for the assignment.
  • Clear definitions of quality management, patient safety and risk management should be included in the introduction to set the scene for the assignment. These points should be referenced. The introduction should include a brief description of the quality project/initiative and explain why it was important to set this project up in your particular area of clinical practice
  • The introduction should conclude with a sentence indicating the focus of the assignment. For example: This assignment will critically discuss a quality project in … (insert your area of clinical practice) and will focus specifically on how the project improved the quality of care for … (insert the patient group you are focusing on). The assignment will also address … patient safety and risk management because this is .

 Main Body(1800)In the main body of the assignment focus on 2-3 areas and give a sound rationale for this choice.

  • Students select the headings in the main body of the assignment to guide the reader (2-3 main headings).
  • The main body of the assignment should demonstrate a critical discussion of the quality project/initiative.
  • It should identify and critique the quality assessment tools/techniques which were used in the project/initiative?
  • Was an audit or evaluation conducted as part of selecting the project?
  • In your critique consider the benefits/value of the quality project/initiative. For example

Does the project improve patient care?

Does the project improve patient safety?

Does the project reduce risk?

  • In terms of quality care think here of the outcomes of care–what has improved in the area of practice? Is the environment safer for patients and or staff?
  • Is there greater patient/carer/family satisfaction?
  • All points should be supported with relevant and up to date references
  • Summarise your initiative is a simple diagram/flow chart and include in the appendix.

Conclusion (200 words)

It is good to finish your assignment with a rounded summary/conclusion of the main points you addressed in your assignment. Remind the reader of the quality project/initiative and demonstrate your judgement of how it improved or addressed the quality of patient care, patient safety and risk management.

  • No new points or material are added at this stage
  • No references are required in the conclusion as you are summing up the points you addressed in the assignment.