Select a health organisation of your choice and briefly describe its organisational structure – also include the type and size of the organisation.

Select a health organisation of your choice and briefly describe its organisational structure – also include the type and size of the organisation.
Select a current problem that the organisation is facing. Explain what intervention could or would be relevant to the situation and why and justify your answer (you may talk about group or team function, governing problems, etc. – use any relevant information covered in the first 5 modules, or be brave and add something ´new and interesting´ but closely connected.
What system model or organisational theory is or would be most appropriate to the organisation and why?
Use relevant supporting literature to assist your arguments – use proper referencing style – 5-10 references.
Remember that you have only 1000 words so get to the point quickly. No need to describe the history of the organisation or go into details. Also, no need for an intro to the assignment. For privacy reasons, it is better not to name the organisation.(WORKED AS A GENERAL PRACTITIONER IN INDIA)