United States of America vs David Middendorf et. al.

Write a memo discussing/analyzing the following points:
1) Identify what went wrong
2) Discuss your views as to why smart and experienced personnel committed fraud
3) Indicate what you would advise Middendorf and separately Sweet if they consulted you about this ethical dilemma
4) Indicate appropriate punishment

Memo Format:
– Overview: you have asked me to analyze the following…
– What went wrong at KPMG?
– Why did intelligent, experienced and trained personnel commit fraud?
– Advice to Middendorf and Sweet Re: Ethical Dilemma
– Recommended Punishment

Case info:
United States of America vs David Middendorf et. al.
18 CRIM 036
United States District Court
Southern District of New York
(sealed indictment)

Case link: http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/middendorfetal.pdf