Risk Anallysis

Every program has risks associated with it. This week, I want you to review your idea and provide a risk analysis. What are the potential risks involved with this program, and what processes can be put in place to manage these risks? One specific risk that I want you to discuss is related to cultural differences. Please assume that your company is a multinational corporation…will this program work in all areas of the business? If not, how can it be adapted for the other country/countries involved?
This does not need to be written as a formal research paper, but all research provided does need to be cited in APA format. You may write in the first person because you are presenting your own ideas. You do not need to provide an abstract, but you do need an APA formatted title page and reference page. Your paper should be a minimum of 2 pages (approx. 700 words) not including the title and reference.




Demonstrates fluency in the use of tools, technologies and methods in the field
Weight: 10%
(9-10 points)

Student demonstrates fluency in the use of tools, technologies, and methods in the field in creative or innovative ways.
(7-8 points)

Student demonstrates fluency in the use of tools, technologies, and methods in the field.

Student demonstrates fluency in some but not all of the following areas in the field: tools, technology, and methods.
(1-3 Points)

Student does not demonstrate fluency in one or more of the following areas: tools, technology, and methods. Student may use appropriate tools, technology, and methods, but does not demonstrate fluency.

Weight: 5%
(5 points)

Clearly states the purpose of the assignment and includes all key information.
(4 points)
Mentions the purpose of the assignment and includes a few important pieces of information.
(2-3 points)

Mentions the purpose of the assignment.
(1 point)

Offers a lead in to the assignment but includes no important information.

Weight: 50%
(47-50 points)

Addresses the topic with clarity; Clearly states the reason for the project and provides research to support the proposal. An explanation as to how the provided information will be utilized is provided.
(35-46 points)

Addresses the topic with clarity; States the reason for the project with minimal research to support the importance of the project. An explanation as to how the provided information will be utilized is provided.
(25-34 points)

Addresses the topic; minimal research provided; sometimes digresses from topic of focus. A basic explanation is provided as to how the provided information will be utilized
(0 – 24 points)

Provides little to no clarity in formulating conclusions and/or organization. No explanation is offered as to how the provided information will be utilized.

Weight: 5%
(5 points)

All important information is re-stated.
(4 points)

Most important information is re-stated.
(2-3 points)

Some important information is re-stated.
(1 point)

No important information is stated.
Mechanics and Documentation

Weight: 30%
(30 points)

Is free of errors of grammar, spelling, and writing mechanics; appropriately documents sources
(23-29 points)

Is almost free of grammar errors, spelling, and writing mechanics; documents sources
(15-22 points)

Has errors but they don’t represent a major distraction; documents sources
(0-14 points)

Has errors that obscure meaning of content or add confusion; neglects important sources or documents few to no sources