Legislation for Change in U.K. Policing


The election of Police Crime Officers, PCC, can yes indeed be a very exceptional way of developing a more efficient community-police relationship. The introduction of Police Crime Commissioners much allows the public to have a hand in deciding on how their area is policed and there is indeed no doubt about its effectiveness for it ensures that the policing needs of the community and the area are possibly and effectively met, seeing to it that crime is well tackled in the area. The PCC is hugely reliable for it holds accountable the police force in the delivery of the community wanted policing services. The PCC is surely effective in ensuring that the police force reaches the required service demands by bringing in the voice of the public through: setting polices crime plans through an engagement with the public and crime victims, seeing to it that the police force budget is well spent in priority, and police bosses work to the optimally required levels, which shows that public demands are well hierarchically met under PCC. PCC is therefore not any waste of tax payer’s money and they are actually the way to go in making efficient and effective police reforms (Wilson & Penning, 2015).


Despite the number of complaints about the IPCC, I will point out that it is still the way to go to ensure good service delivery to the community. Many may argue against it but you don’t expect something new to miss the teething stages to its full growth. It is just a matter of time to put the IPCC in a good shape and order that we will see and enjoy a good functionality in policing and a worthwhile investment of tax payer’s money. The arrangements under the IPCC are promising and the policing will be well regulated in a short time to the advantage of the community (Secretary of State for the Home Department, 2013).


Rob Wilson & Mike Penning, (2015), Police Crime Commissioners and Civil Society, Cabinet Office.