The influence of divorce on children

1. First, each student will choose a topic that is relevant to middle childhood (6 – 12 years) from
the list provided by the instructor.
a. A sign up sheet with a list of potential topics will be provided.
2. Then, using the topic, each student will use the CSUDH Library search engines to find at least
one scholarly/empirical article to write an evidence-based summary of the topic or issue.
3. There should be a minimum of two citations on the APA style reference page. More resources
are okay too! There should be at least one empirical article and you may use the book for your
second source.
4. Be sure to use appropriate articles that are from reliable sources (non-editorial, non- blog,
non-opinion based type of article). The article must include a study or experiment that the
authors conducted ; the article must include information such as statistics and evidence-based
information related to the topic. In addition, keep articles with publication dates within the last
15 years.
5. The student is expected to use APA formatting. Refer to the APA class resources on BB, the
Graduate Writing Institute on campus, or an APA manual for this assignment. No APA abstract
is needed for this paper.
6. The paper will be 2 to 5 pages (max) , not including the title and references page.
7. Student must save the assignment as an electronic file using WORD .
8. Students must submit the assignment via Blackboard using “Turn-it-In” by the due date and time
posted on the syllabus. See next page for assignment requirements. NO LATE PAPERS
9. The paper must include the following (A-G):
A. Introduction to the paper [1 paragraph]
a. Minimum of 3 sentences needed.
b. Simply introduce the topic with the thesis as the last sentence; no detailed topic
description here.
B. A description of the topic or issue [2-3 paragraphs]
a. Define your issue; organize, paraphrase, and cite information from your
research including statistics from your books and articles.
C. How does the topic relate/connect to other middle childhood topics [1-3 paragraphs]
a. Connect your issue to any topics we have discussed during class thus far or any
information in the future assigned readings (see syllabus and your course book for
ideas). For example, divorce can connect to children potentially needing to attend
after school programs etc.
b. Cite the course books and/or lectures in APA format.
D. How significant is the topic/issue (and why) in your mind? [1-2 paragraphs]
a. Why you believe this is a significant/important issue for this age group.
E. What domains of development are affected by the topic and how? There are three
domains. Describe the connection [1 -2 paragraphs]
F. Conclusion [1 paragraph]
a. Briefly restate/summarize your paper.
G. Include an APA reference page
a. Please see powerpoint notes from our APA in-class workshop.
10. Paragraph headers to be used are below to organize your paper .