Historical Development of Psychology

1. Assess the limitations of the behaviourists’ approach to the study of human psychology.
2. Compare and contrast the psychodynamic theories of Freud, Jung and Adler.
More questions on reverse
Assignment Details
3. Evaluate the claim of evolutionary psychologists that all social behaviour is driven by survival
and the need to reproduce.
4. Assess the contribution of the Greek philosopher Plato to the development of the study of the
Assessment Criteria
The student’s work must meet the following criteria upon submission:
• Word processed
• Standard font and an appropriate size i.e. Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri in size 11
• Minimum of double line spacing
• Correctly referenced (APA variation of the Harvard citation method – see below)
• Meet the word count indicated on the brief or within the parameters of 10% under or over the
word count. A penalty will be applied to work that does not meet this requirement (see course
handbook for details)
• Have the appropriate front sheet signed and attached
• Students must also submit both a hard copy and an electronic copy of their work through
Moodle by 3pm on the deadline date included on the brief
The work must be focussed on the question which has been set. Marks cannot be awarded for any
content which is not directly relevant to the title of the assignment.
The work must demonstrate a high level understanding of the topics being discussed and show clear,
independent research based on appropriate sources. The submission must also achieve all the learning
outcomes included as part of the brief.
Students must also demonstrate the ability to think and reason critically, including clear evaluation of
the areas within the question.
Student’s work must include citations for the sources used by the student both in the text and in the
reference section at the end of the document. Examples of APA references can be found below;
Surname, Initial. Initial. (Date). Title (Edition where appropriate). Location: Publisher.
Gross, R. (2010). Psychology: The science of mind and behaviour (6th edition). Dubai: Hodder Education.
Assignment Details
Academic Journal article;
Surname, Initial. Initial. (Date). Article title. Journal title, Volume Number(issue number), page numbers.
doi: xx.xxxxxxxxxx
Waterhouse, J. A., Todd, V., & Billingsley, J. (2010). How to reference. Referencing Review, 1(1), 12-29.
doi: 10.10384/19375.23
General Website;
Surname, Initial. (Date). Title of document. Retrieved from http://URL
McLeod, S. (2007). Social Psychology. Retrieved from https://www.simplypsychology.org/socialpsychology.html
(For variations including online magazine/newspaper articles, see main referencing guide)