Why is domestic politics so important for International Relations? In your essay account for the significance of foreign policy.

Choose and complete one essay question from unit 1 or unit 2.

You are encouraged to do your essay early to get feedback before you begin to work on the next

essay. As you plan, write, and revise your paper review the General Guidelines for Assignment and Exam Preparation. Also make use of the optional materials recommended in the syllabus Write a research essay of approximately ten typewritten double-spaced (2,500 words) pages on one of the following topics:

Essay questions for unit 1 and unit 2

Unit 1 questions

  1. Why is domestic politics so important for International Relations? In your essay account for the

significance of foreign policy.

  1. The “order” of the international system is anarchical. Is this the best possible structure? Why or

why not?

Include in your essay an overview of other possible orderings for the international


  1. Should we prioritize International Relations, with military and security issues at the forefront?

Some analysts consider topics of the economy, the environment, or

other concerns less

important. Do you agree? Why or why not?

  1. Some see China as a challenger to the formerly unmatched strength of the United States

. Do

you agree? Does this

make the world a safer or more dangerous place? In your paper, discuss

the concept

of “hegemony” and whether it still exists today


Unit 2 questions

  1. Is Marxism relevant for contemporary International Relations?
  2. Democratic Peace Theory (DPT) is considered by some to be the only “provable” theory in

International Relations. Others suggest that it will always be true because of the values of

democratic systems. Do you agree? In your answer, describe how DPT as a theory might fail.

  1. Is neo-

realism truly different from realism? In what way? Describe the differences between the

two approaches. Do these approaches still present a sufficient perspective for International

Relations today?

  1. How is feminism critical of International Relations?