Social Change by Fields & Historical Approach

A society includes a group of people co-existing together in some kind of system or organized manner. By default, all societal aspects are social. One of the aspects of the society that I really feel needs to change is schooling/education. There is this perception and notion of promoting the boy child than the girl child in education. The girl-child is in most cases taken like to have no right to education and if they have to go to school, it is meant for the basic education. I really feel this should not be the case, be it a boy child or a girl child, any of them should be given an equal opportunity for schooling/education. This should be an all-society concern because if that notion is to be shunned, the society as a whole must join hands to bring about this social change and alter the minds of the society towards an equal opportunity for the girl child as the boy child inculcating a promotional positive belief in the ability of the girl child in education (Lerner, 2009).

To lead this societal change, to lead the line must be parents, and more-so the father parent. Mothers who were once small girls were deprived of their ability in early stages that even them believing in themselves was hard. It is therefore most appropriate that fathers took the initiative to make their girl children have a strong spirit that they are able to match the achievement of their brothers, and support them too to achieve the educational escapades achieved by their brothers (Lerner, 2009).

The historical trait approach to leadership is evident in schooling/education social aspect. This is because parents want to compare to the ancient ways and traits of early leaders who strongly believed that the woman and so the girl child belonged to the homestead which hardly needed any schooling or educational skills. The presence of the trait approach to girl child education is a true hindrance to change as there are some father parents who want to copy the ancient leaders and stay authoritative, the only way being not enlightening women and the girl-child through education. As the society still goes on appreciating the trait approach to leadership, changing the negative perception towards girl child education is a struggle up the social-change hill (Lerner, 2009).

For the social change to take place in the society, men and fathers should be leading from the front. It is through the encouragement of the aspect oppressors who happen to be men that women and the girl child will feel able and develop a positive attitude against superimposed doubt that they are inferior and lack the ability to excel in school and match men and the boy child. Currently, we have seen men take the initiative to educate the girl child and avail opportunities for them equal to the boy child. This has translated to women being leaders which shows that there is some success and achievement towards fostering the change (Lerner, 2009).

Social perception towards girl child is not an instant process. It takes time to change the human mind of men to support it, change they think threatens their authority. However it is satisfying as for me to see the gradual change in men starting to support girl child education and advocating for it from their families to the national levels. This change can be evidenced in the way the number of women leaders is increasing across the world today (Lerner, 2009).


Gerda Lerner, (2009), Living with History / Making Social Change, Univ of North Carolina Press.