Health Education Goals

The critical assignment in this course is to develop an educational curriculum unit. Each of your supportive submissions, homework, and reflections will assist in keeping you on track towards submitting a quality critical assignment. Therefore, I highly suggest looking ahead to the critical assignment requirements, and including them into your work whenever pertinent. When applicable, I will offer feedback that should be incorporated towards your critical assignment.

Building on your reflection from this week, I would like you to solidify your curriculum topic selection. Identify a public health issue that can be addressed through health education, and give your rationale. You can use the topic identified in your Reflection #1 or you can change it. Now is the time to be sure, as from here on- you will be developing your curriculum unit based on this topic. Additionally, identify the priority population you will be targeting with your curriculum unit development.
Next, you will create general educational goals and measurable objectives for your curriculum unit. Follow the guidance on goal and objective writing, provided in my lecture, and Chapter 2, pages 27-42 of your textbook. Create 2-3 general goals for your curriculum unit, and 3 measurable outcome objectives that support each goal. Your outcome objectives must represent each one of the educational domains- cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. In addition to these, I want you to also create 3 process objectives.
Utilize the sample program planning worksheet provided below to help organize and write your topic selection, and especially- your goals and objectives.