SIMPLE answer assignment

What is Whorf’s theory of language?

Whorf developed linguistic relativity where different languages represent different ways of thinking about the world around us.  Thoughts varies with language and it is the language of a community that another may or may not understand.  Some speakers would not be able to understand basic language concepts between objects and actions.

How do people who speak languages that rely primarily on geographic coordinates seem to experience space differently than others?

Since geographic directions do not rotate around when we turn, we use it to give specific directions in wide open spaces as coordinates rather than relay on egocentric coordinates which are used when in smaller spaces.

What is Deutscher’s conclusion about how language influences thinking?

Although the native language of a person influences his way of thinking, all the other languages must have the same concept of relating things.  All languages have same process of thinking for understanding the facts.

What does Lakoff mean by “framing” and “re-framing?”

Framing is a intangible structure used in thinking. For example, when someone says elephant, we would immediately get the image of an elephant with a trunk, large ears etc. This is called an elephant frame. Lakoff states that frame is nothing but the image or the idea you get when you think of something.

Reframing is telling the truth forcefully, straightforwardly, articulately, with moral conviction and without hesitation. Lakoff continues to say that reframing is needed to help people understand the truth, however it needs to be framed.

How does language selection relate to framing?

Language activates frames, a new language is required for new frames. So due to this, thinking differently requires speaking differently. For example, each word spoken can give someone a specific image. The reading uses elephant as an example, when someone says elephant you immediately get a mental picture of the animal. It also goes for negative words such as thief, if you want to say to someone that you are not a thief, chances are they will “frame” or associate you with the image of a thief. The reading suggests not to use their language when arguing with the other side because their language picks out a frame and it won’t be the frame you want.

What is the “strict father” model (frame) and how does it relate to US politics


What is the nurturing parent model (frame) and how does it relate to US politics?

The nurturant parent model is a parenting style which visualizes a family model where children are expected to explore their surroundings, while being protected by their parents. This model believes that children inherently know what they need and should be allowed to explore their environment being under the guidance of the parents.

It can be put up as ‘if you want your child to be fulfilled in life the child has to be free enough to do that’. Therefore freedom is a value. If one don’t have very much freedom then there is no opportunity or prosperity. Therefore opportunity or prosperity are progressive values of any person. If you really care about your child and if you want your child to be treated fairly by you and by others. Therefore fairness is a value.Honest communication is the best value any parent can teach the child.

The parents are responsible for protecting their child during this explore and learn process including protecting their child from serious mistakes, by offering guidance at all levels. A child will be picked up if the child cries because the parent wants the child to feel the care, love,and also to provide the child with a secure feeling. If a child grows up believing that its needs will be met, it will be more confident when it faces the worldly challenges.

Ideas involved in this model include:

True discipline is not a matter of strict obedience, but of respect and compassion

The world is no more inherently hostile than it is inherently friendly; it merely commands respect

Respect and compassion can only be taught by example .

we live in a community and that the community will affect the child growth. Therefore community building service and cooperation in a community is very important.Trust, honesty and open communication are fundamental progressive values, in a community as in a family. The parents job is to nurture their children and to raise their children to be nurturing of others.

This comes into politics in many ways. Such as protecting the child from crime, drugs and other illegal activities, smoking, and chemical additives in food. So progressive politics focus on environmental protection, worker protection,consumer protection, and protection from disease.

What is Hypocognition?

            According to Wikipedia, Hypocognition, in cognitive linguistics, means missing and being unable to communicate cognitive and linguistic representations because there are no words for particular concepts. People think, feel, and behave within the confines of what they can conceive. Outside that conceptual landscape, people exhibit Hypocognition