you have been hired as an IT expert by a small firm to set up an office for 20 staff members, half of whom will work with desktop computers and the remaining with laptop computers using wireless networks. The office will use one networked laser printer, accessible from both the desktop and laptop computers. The desktop computers will use a wired network, while the laptop computers will employ wireless network to print and access the Internet.

you have been hired as an IT expert by a small firm to set up an office for 20 staff members, half of whom will work with desktop computers and the remaining with laptop computers using wireless networks. The office will use one networked laser printer, accessible from both the desktop and laptop computers. The desktop computers will use a wired network, while the laptop computers will employ wireless network to print and access the Internet.

In Module 2, you will complete Phase 1 of the assignment:

Statement of the Problem or Need: Based on your review of the IT system, write a description of the purpose/need/rationale for the IT project at the business office. What problem(s) are you planning to solve at the business office?
Project Deliverables: Write a description of the necessary hardware components and software to set up computer systems for the business office. Phase 1 of the Portfolio Project is due in Module 2.
Last week you started making a list of computer hardware (desktop and laptop computers), peripherals, and network components (wired and wireless) with specifications required to set up theproposed business office. Include the following as part of the project deliverables for submission in Module 2:

Type of power supply
Type of motherboard
Type of CPU and memory
Types of storage and capacities
Types of network interface cards (wired and wireless)
Types and specifications for printers and scanners
Types of expansion cards (if needed) for expanding ports
Types of monitors (CRT, LCD) and specifications
Specifications for laptop computers
Any other required hardware component(s) of the items.
Select the most appropriate computer client operating system (COS) with reasons for its selection. Include the following (at minimum) as part of the project deliverables:

Type of Windows operating system
32-bit or 64-bit version
Video and printers support
Network and sharing features
Windows help and support
Any other relevant features of the selected COS.
Your Module 2 Portfolio Project Milestone should meet the following requirements:

Two to three pages in length, not including cover and reference pages.
Cite a minimum of three sources, two of which should be academic peer-reviewed scholarly sources to support your responses