Discuss the complexities of global purchasing, and whether you feel global sourcing is worth the effort to an organization (if so, why? if not – why not?). 

Your paper should be submitted into the assignment tab. The attachment (if used) should be a Microsoft Word file (doc.). Your paper must be 1500 words or more.

Note: references used and cover page do not count towards the word count requirement.

-Include a summary of the case. Then answer/discuss the following:

-Calculate & compare the total cost per unit for each supplier.

-List and discuss critical factors for the purchase of goods from an international source.

-Include other issues (beyond cost) that you would need to evaluate.

-How has the ability to buy products global influenced the marketplace for purchasing managers?

-Discuss the complexities of global purchasing, and whether you feel global sourcing is worth the effort to an organization (if so, why? if not – why not?).

-Based on all the above, declare which supplier you would select and explain why.





Title/Cover Page

Case Summary/Discussion

Case Assignment Questions

Reference Page