Biker Gang Subculture Artifacts

with one-inch (1”) margins on
all sides, using 12-point font like Times New Roman

-This paper will discuss an artifact or category of artifacts that is created by your chosen subculture ( Biker or motorcycle Gang )
based on research. There are a number of ways in which this might be accomplished,
but it’s important to remember that you’re not simply describing or relaying information, but
rather making an argument. This means you need a clear thesis statement that is focused,
arguable, and revelatory and outlines what argument you are developing in your paper. The
artifact(s) you find might be visual, auditory, textual, or some other rhetorical mode. This means
you’ll rely on the ideas from the Understanding Rhetoric book and class discussions around visual
rhetoric. You’ll be performing a type of rhetorical analysis on your subcultural artifact(s), where you
provide an argument about how the artifact(s) might be used to define, perpetuate, develop, and/or
otherwise engage with the subculture’s beliefs, values, or relationship to “mainstream” culture.
Your paper will require research. I don’t specify a minimum number of sources—I want you to
decide how many different sources are necessary for your particular topic in order to synthesize
different ideas into a new one. My only requirement for your research is that all your secondary
sources must come from the library. Due to the nature of the assignment, you might have
primary sources that come from other places, but I want you to use the library’s tools and resources
to find research that will help you make your argument. This isn’t an endorsement of the sources
you’ll find this way as “better” or “correct,” as much as it is a way to force you to learn how to
better use the library for research instead of relying on Google and Wikipedia.
– The artifacts to talk about are: Harley + Leather vest