The History of Barbering spans thousands and thousands of years. Endless historical time periods, cultures and other influences blend together to create today’s hair styles. Technologies and techniques have improved over the centuries and have impacted greatly on how we perform barbering skills today.

The more of these influences you understand, the more versatile you will become in your Barbering career.

For this project you will need to gain information from a variety of sources e.g. text books, the internet, magazines, and/or library. You will be amazed at what you may find.

Included in these instructions are the explanations of each section you will be marked on. It will include a variety of time periods explained, as well as how technologies have changed over the years, and the relationships between various influences with today’s fashion.  You will also need to illustrate your project.


ELEMENT 1: The description outlines the effect of influence upon the trade, and identifies the social and economic status and associated roles of the trade.
Element description What you need to include in your project

The description outlines the effect of influence upon the trade, and identifies the social and economic status and associated roles of the trade.


Range: Influences –medical, cultural and or religious.


4 periods in time are required spanning at least two thousand years

  • Choose 4 different time periods
  • In total your 4 different time periods will span a minimum of 2000 years.
  • Explain the effect of influences each time period has on the trade. Include the explanation of the following  –

–       Social and economic status of the barber and/or receiver (client).

–       Associated roles of the barber. (what else did the barber do during this time)


  • The following influences on barbering must also be explained for each time period  –

1.    Medical

2.    Cultural and/or religious


The description identifies impacts of 20th and 21st Century technological developments on the barbering trade


Range – Impacts – Skills, speed of performance.

  • Choose a minimum of 2 different technological developments over the 20th and 21st centuries

·          For each one, include an explanation to describe their influence on the trade and how they have impacted both skills and speed of performance.

           Technology 1: Name it

–       explained to include Impact on skills

–       explained to include Impact on speed of performance

Technology 2: Name it

–       explained to include Impact on skills

–       explained to include Impact on speed of performance


The description identifies the origin, significance and meaning of the barbers pole

·         Describe in detail the origin, significance and meaning of the barber’s pole.


ELEMENT 2: Describe the development of barbering fashion
Element description What you need to include in your project

The description identifies relationships between various influences and barbering fashion.

Range – Military, class structure: 2 of religious, cultural, musical

There are various influences that we can draw relationships and comparisons to, with barbering fashion. You will need to show and explain:

  • Explain the relationship between each influence and barbering fashion. Where can you see comparisons, similarities and adaptions?
  • Supply one visual picture of this influence.
  • Supply one visual picture of this similarity, comparison or adaption to illustrate the relationship with today’s styling that you have described.
  • Explain all of the above for at least 3 influences below:
1.   Must include Military 2.   + 3. You must choose at least two of:

       Religious, culture, musical. (you can do all 3 if you wish)


The description identifies origins of hairstyling constructions in barbering

Range – short back and sides, flattop (or crewcut), college cut, sculptured cut.

The origins of each classic hairstyling construction is explained:

  • This means for each of the haircuts listed below you must explain how this classic was style was achieved
  • Supply a picture for each of these hairstyles.

1.      Short back and sides

2.      Flattop (or crewcut)

3.      College cut

4.      Sculptured cut


Examples of hairstyles are identified.

Range – Personal, political, fashion statements.

There are various types of hairstyles today that you clients will want to wear; you have to know a variety of styles to offer your clientele today.

  • Create a collage with a minimum of 8 pictures for each category.
  • Include a paragraph for each category which explains why you have chosen these particular styles in your category.

Categories are:

  1. Personal choice hairstyles – what do you like the most, which to you feel are more relatable to the current public, or the ones that are most commonly asked for.
  2. Political hairstyles – which hairstyles would be suitable for the more conservative gentleman, or business man?
  3. Fashion statement hairstyles – which ones are more current, which hairstyles would you offer for the guy who wants to make a statement with his look.
  • Add a list of sources where you cot your information. Eg, websites, books, magazines etc