Your Task 2 portfolio should present two digital resources that have potential educational applications, together with an accompanying exegeses for each resource. These two digital resources could be created by you or already existing.

Your Task 2 portfolio should present two digital resources that have potential educational applications, together with an accompanying exegeses for each resource. These two digital resources could be created by you or already existing.


Created by you:

  • it could be a resource that would usually be created by a teacher to support student learning,
  • it could be a resource that would usually be created by students as part of their learning.


The other resource should be selected from existing resources/tools, for example an existing online tool or site, a mobile application, or existing interactive digital resource. The type of resources that you create and select is largely up to you; if you have any doubts or questions, please contact your lecturer about the type of resources you plan to include.


Your mode of presentation for this task is also up to you – please feel free to use a conventional format (e.g. Word document) or alternative format (e.g. a wiki), based on your preference. If you present this assignment in an alternate format, please ensure it is one that your lecturer will be able to access/open/read.

The exegesis for each resource should cover the following points.

  1. Write about the operation of the resource – how does it work? What technical actions are needed to use it? What modalities are involved? What hardware is involved? Does it interact with other resources/tools/systems?
  2. Write about how the resource might be embedded meaningfully within a learning context. What existing processes, resources, goals, etc might it interact with? What purpose(s) might it serve? What value might it contribute? Does this represent an innovation on established practice?
  3. Critically analyse the resource. What assumptions/presumptions underlay this resource and the usage(s)/purpose(s) described? Whose interests are served? Whose interests do not feature or are potentially damaged? You might consider how you imagine an ideal user of this resource and whether other types of users are excluded or marginalized? What assumptions are being made about learning/learners? You might consider how the resource could be improved.


Summative assessment criteria Task 2

  1. Participation in resource sharing in the unit’s group (30/100)
  2. Each resource is described in operational terms–what it is and how it works. (20/100)
  3. Each digital resource is contextualised within a particular educational setting (real or hypothetical). (20/100)
  4. Each digital resource is critically appraised in terms of whose purposes it serves, what assumptions is supports in terms of views of learning, teaching and learners, its limitations and how it might be improved. (20/100)
  5. Appropriate communication conventions are used effectively, including for the attribution of the words, images and ideas of others (i.e., citation and referencing of set reading and further research). (10/100)