Plato’s Allegory of the Cave from The Republic

In your introductory paragraph:

1) First, describe the setting and plot of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave.”

2) Then describe a thought experiment in which we will call the prisoner who leaves the Cave “the philosopher.” Everyone else will be called “prisoners.” Imagine that the philosopher returns to the cave and tries to convince the prisoners to leave.

In your thesis answer this question:

1) State whether you think the philosopher will be successful at getting all or some of the other prisoners to leave the cave and 2) describe two specific Platonic arguments you think the philosopher would use to convince the others to leave.

In your two body paragraphs, make sure to

Support your thesis by providing quotations from Plato’s Allegory of the Cave from The Republic.
Make sure to follow up all quotations with a 4-5 sentence explanation of how they support your topic sentence claim.
Each body paragraph should discussion one idea that supports the thesis; in other words, body paragraphs should not repeat ideas from previous paragraphs and should not contain more than one main idea.


1) Thesis formation: The thesis should subdivide into two parts that match your two body paragraphs. The thesis should fully answer the essay question. It should also be specific, concise, and arguable.

2) Body Paragraph Organization and Unity: Limit to 2 body paragraphs.

3) Topic Sentences: Each body paragraph must begin with a topic sentence that tells the reader which thesis idea that paragraph will be about.

4) Concluding Sentences: Each body paragraph should end with a concluding sentence that restates topic sentence main ideas and adds supportive reasoning. The goal is to summarize the main examples you covered in that body paragraph.

5) Quotations: You will need to support any assertions you make with a discussion of quotations from the texts assigned. All quotations should have an introductory phrase and should use the following MLA format: Plato writes, “XX.”

When quoting a line from a text that itself contains quotation marks, change the quotation marks you see on the page from double to single quotation marks. For more examples, go to Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) link on Canvas web site. Once there, click on MLA Style guides.

6) Quotation Analysis: All quotations should be followed by 4-5 or more sentences that provide a detailed explanation of how the quotation supports your body paragraph’s main idea.

7) Title: Divided into two parts separated by a colon. Centered. Double-spaced like your heading and the rest of your paper. Capitalize all key words. Should be a fragment. Not underlined or in boldface. No period at the end of the title. Your title should not just copy the title of this essay prompt or the title of the readings. Example:

Essay Topic: Your Two Thesis Ideas

8) Conclusion: A place for you to summarize your thesis and add any last reflections on your topic. Should be no longer than half of a page.

9) Essay formatting: Use MLA format. For help, see Purdue University OWL website and click on the MLA section.

10) Number of Paragraphs: In order to pass, your essay must have an introduction that ends in a thesis statement, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion.