Your Ideal Job Description

In this assignment we will use is O*Net Online website to help you identify your work-related interests. You must complete all the steps listed below to receive full credit for this assignment:

O*NET Interest Profiler:

  1. Start: Click on the link to take the assessment:
  2. Follow the steps to take O*NET Interest Profiler assessment
  3. View your results and write down your score for each of the followings:
    1. Realistic:__________ Social:__________ Investigative:__________
    2. Enterprising: __________ Artistic:_______ Conventional: __________

Click Next to proceed to the Job Zones

Occupations the next three screens will explain the different Job Zones which will help to identify careers that you might like to consider and will be qualified for based on your current or future level of training/education. You will be asked to specify a level of training (a Job Zone). Use the list below as a guide for selecting your Job Zone:

Job Zone 2 = High School Diploma

Job Zone 3 = Associate’s Degree/Vocational Training

Job Zone 4 = Bachelor’s Degree

Job Zone 5 = Graduate Degree/ Master’s Degree/Ph.D./M.D./J.D.


  1. Choose your Job Zone (for example: Job Zone 4) and click next to view a list of careers that fit your interests and preparation level.
  2. Click on the job title that you find interesting to view more detailed profiles of the occupations.
  3. In a new window you will see a detailed report about the career you selected:

Reflection Assignment:

List your occupation title: ___________________________________________

List is your score for the followings:

  1. Realistic:__________ Social:__________ Investigative:__________
  2. Enterprising: __________ Artistic:_______ Conventional: __________

Name two occupations you are suited for according to your assessment results.______________

Are you interested in the occupation recommended?

Regarding the two occupations you listed above, which are you more interested in pursuing?

What skills, interests, and/or values do you possess that make this occupation a good fit for you?

What are the working conditions associated with the preferred occupation? What kind of work do they do?

What is the expected growth and salary in this career area? Where is the most demand for this type of professional? Would you be willing to move to a different area of the country in order to find a job in this field?

When considering your preferred occupation, what type of education and experience do you need to have in order to be a viable candidate for employment in this area? What can you do over the next five years to become employable in this field?

What other relevant information should you learn about this career area?


Please remove irrelevant information and add new information as per the corrections. Please add specific information needed on the following prompt. Please use proper citation with the correct format.


Please make sure to answer each question!




Please write in your own words. Please write a beautiful, perfect, interesting, strong, powerful, detailed, clear, and critical essay! Show me the tentative argument with good faith efforts.

Please refer to and use all the files that I have uploaded. I am repeating myself here again, you must use all the sources that I have provided in order to complete the paper for my satisfaction.


Please add some details and make it more aligned to the question.


Interest, Personality, and Career Assessments Assignment: This assignment is designed to provide you informational and career assessment tools to help you explore and discover your preferences in term of: interests, academic major, and possible careers options. Assignment details and due date will be posted on Canvas.



Reflection Assignment (Please start working on this):

List your occupation title:

Job Zone Five: extensive job preparation


List is your score for the followings:

  1. Realistic: 4 Social: 27   Investigative: 14
  2. Enterprising: 3 Artistic: 17   Conventional: 0

Name two occupations you are suited for according to your assessment results.

Social Work Teachers, Postsecondary

Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement Teachers, Postsecondary

Mental Health & Substance Abuse Social Workers


Are you interested in the occupation recommended?

I am very interested in criminal justice in capacity of child trafficking and child pornography.


Regarding the two occupations you listed above, which are you more interested in pursuing?

I am interested in social work (social welfare/policy) as well. But, I am more interested in pursuing Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement (human and child trafficking and child pornography).


What skills, interests, and/or values do you possess that make this occupation a good fit for you?

Personal qualities are really important. Some skills like, honesty, communication skills, responsibility, judgment skills, and respect. Most importantly, I love children. I love to volunteer. I do not want to follow the money, rather I would let the money follow me. A high level of integrity and good physical condition are very important and necessary. Dedication, humble, love, and patience, and fairness are also necessary. Noticing a problem and figuring out the best way to solve it. As I said, I love children and I have plenty of knowledge of social welfare, sociology, and anthropology. I want to help every child who has been a target of criminal all over the world. I also need some knowledge of federal laws!


What are the working conditions associated with the preferred occupation? What kind of work do they do?

  1. Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement Teachers, Postsecondary

Teach courses in criminal justice, corrections, and law enforcement administration. I can come up with an example, there is a professor who teaches some courses like Criminal Justice and Crime Investigation at Merritt. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.


  1. FBI

I do not have much info about this occupation as this is related to government, but they help on stopping terrorism, crime, violations, and etc.


What is the expected growth and salary in this career area? Where is the most demand for this type of professional? Would you be willing to move to a different area of the country in order to find a job in this field?

Job Outlook: Bright

New job opportunities are very likely in the future

Salary $60,400 average

Education: doctoral degree or master’s degree usually needed

I don’t mind at all and I will be willing to move to a different area of the country (all over the world) in order to find a job in this field and pursue my dream


When considering your preferred occupation, what type of education and experience do you need to have in order to be a viable candidate for employment in this area? What can you do over the next five years to become employable in this field?

Education: doctoral degree or master’s degree usually needed

First of all, get an associate degree and transfer out to four year institution. Get a bachelor’s degree. Start working and gaining 3+ years related work experience. This is according to FBI Requirements.


What other relevant information should you learn about this career area?

Can an international student become a FBI special agent? (Visa Status)

Their retirement plans



Will I be moved around to all over the world? How much do I make?