Describe your own philosophy of life, including your thoughts about metaphysics (What is reality?), epistemology (How do we know anything?), and ethics (What is the good life?)

Describe your own philosophy of life, including your thoughts about metaphysics (What is reality?), epistemology (How do we know anything?), and ethics (What is the good life?). In the course of your essay, deal with the following issues: (1) Does life have meaning or is it absurd? If it has meaning, what gives it meaning? (2) What do you think of the future of humankind? Where are we going? (3) What is wisdom and how important is it for human beings? How does one become wise? Why do some people become wise and others not? (4) Pick someone from your own personal experience, from history, or from fiction who exemplifies your idea of wisdom. What is it about this person which makes him or her wise? Describe the attributes of the person.
Grading: Evidence of thought will make the grade go up. Evidence of just putting something down on paper filled with clichés will cause it to go down. Any position you take is O.K., but remember to give reasons for your positions.
6—10 pages, typewritten, 12 pt. font, double-spaced.
Do not copy large portions from other sources. This is supposed to be your thinking on the issues. If you do use other sources, be sure to cite your sources. Any consistent system of documentation is OK.