Relevant artists and contemporary issues that influence and substantiate my jewelry projects

Photography and jewelry are forms of museum exhibition which are used in the modern days to examine how the modern jewelry artists are using the power of photography to explore the aspects at the focal point of the contemporary experience in terms of the changing views of the beauty of the human body, political, cultural, social, memory desires and the relationship between personal identity and jewelry being used in the society.  [1]The multiple exposures no longer inform us the relationship between photography and jewelry but provide a deep exploration of the two aspects in the contemporary world. The role of the work is to present the relevant and contemporary issues that influence and substantiate the jewelry project.

Basically, image creation, revolution, transmission and manipulation serve as a catalyst for the artists and the jewelry manufacturers in regard to multiple exposures and taking the items within our vicinity serious. [2]Through photography and pictures we have been able to look seriously on the digital images streamlined by the smart phones, computers and cameras.

As a matter of fact, while dealing with the relevant artists and contemporary issues that influence and substantiate the jewelry project, the project has revealed that through image creation, revolution, transmission and manipulation using the digital images the jewelry manufacturers and designers together with the artists, they might be able to come up with unexpected or unpredicted ideas which might transform the way we view the beauty or the world around us. The color, shape and pattern of the different jewelry have been the important fields while focusing on the ideas of the artists and how they influences and create a different path as far as jewelry revolution in the contemporary world is concerned. The manners in which the color changes, the shapes are inter-twinned and the patterns are formed using the different jewelries have resulted into revolution in the world of art in the contemporary world.[3] unlike in the past where the artists views the art in only a few angles, the modern art has been influenced by the different theories of shape, color and pattern as revealed by the different contemporary artists. In addition, the modern artists do not only come up with different concepts but they ensure that they bring them into reality in different fields of art more so in the world of beauty.

Jiro Kamata who used the blue and open sky to explain the sensorial experience to explain how photography and jewelry are associated with mortality, spirit and time, Gijs Bakker who used a nude male athletic pouring water on his back using the bucket to illustrate how shape, color and pattern influences artwork and Otto Kunzli who influenced the contemporary jewelry revolution path are the important artists for my jewelry project.

Jiro Kamata is an artist who visited Mexico in 2010 to exhibit his Momentopia series he had been working for since 2007. The blue and open sky in Mexico exposed Kamata to sensorial experience that motivated him to explore Mexican color and establish visual relationship with the country. The idea proved to be a great inspiration for him in understanding the Mexican color beyond it’s conceptual. Arabesque was a form of artistic architecture and decoration that was based on rhythmic linear patterns of interlacing and scrolling which originated from the Islamic art but which was later adopted by the Spanish and Mexican. [4] The enticing combination of the unexpected color and unpredictable shapes of the iron arabesques made the Momentopia series by Kamata to take a colorful and fresh path. The Arboresque using in the Momentopia seris created a mysterious and sinuous patters which remind us of the unfinished calligraphic language and art will no longer recognize. The is a great relationship between the mysterious patterns, shapes and colors which have been used by the Arboresque in the Momentopia series  with the different jewelry which have been present for the project because they also have different colors, shapes and patterns.

Gijs Bakker is a contemporary artist who is famously known for transforming theBruce Weber photograph of nude male athletic pouring water on his back using a bucket into luxurious and sensuous Water brooch where he endeavored to the water drops falling from the bucket with diamonds. [5]By replacing the water droplets with the diamond he wanted to show the realism in life that it is possible to construct an image which may be similar to the one constructed by the machine as long as the idea remains the same. The diamonds have been used in the Jewelry project to indicate that they have the potential to bring different ideas and thoughts into the reality of life especially as far as beauty and authenticity is concerned. The jewelry and the use of diamond to replace the water droplets reveal that it is possible to connect ideas and jewelries for mass production.

Otto Künzli is one of the most contemporary, respected and renowned jewelers working today. His meticulous artistic work has enabled him to reference the cultural aspects using the metaphor and iconography to present products full of sophistication and wit. [6]He is an influential jewelry artist with the ability to bring the different qualities of the jewelry. In the Automatenfotos document he tried to bring together every imagination in order to combine the wires, laces, wooden rods, tapes and torso. The black and white photo strips that he used in bringing the ideas together set a revolutionary path to the contemporary jewelry.  The work of Otto Künzli

The images 05AF34A, A34E7C4C and A50075B2 illustrates that the different shapes, color and pattern of the jewelry have different impact on the jewelry revolution path and creation of beauty. Despite the jewelry might be of the same color and shape, the manner in which they are arranged might change the theme or the purpose for which they were intended. [7] In addition, the purpose for which the color, shape and pattern might be used might interfere with the intention, expectation, timing, spirit and mortality of the art work by the artist. The image 0262, 0265, 0269, 0270 and 0274 indicates that there is need for the artists to be serious in looking on the different ways in which the work might be represented and come up with the different views and ideas in which the artistic work may be represented in the jewelry project to create meaning and understanding of the modern contemporary jewelry project. In conclusion, the jewelry


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