Describe “what is urban design”. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of new urbanism (neo-traditional design). Analyze the effectiveness of new urbanism in reducing vehicle trips.

As the evolution of urban planning progressed it became more aware of the complexity and interrelationships among all aspects of urbanism. The process not only includes the physical expression on the landscape but the impact on services most notably traffic. Therefore, the term “growth management” was coined to describe the process. Students should understand why “new urbanism” is really “old urbanism” and also “growth management”.

Describe “what is urban design”.

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of new urbanism (neo-traditional design).

Analyze the effectiveness of new urbanism in reducing vehicle trips.


Andreas Duany on New Urbanism (YouTube)


The module this week addressed the current urban planning issues and processes.  An important take-away is the land development process, the heart of urban design, is very complex and involves not only the physical aspects but social and service delivery.


Below is from the classmate’s discussion post!

Based on my readings and personal experiences I have extensive experience in residing in an urban neighborhood. The pros of living in an urban neighborhood consist of a variety of investment properties, active rental properties, attractive shopping & entertainment, and public transportation. The cons of living in an urban neighborhood consists of old building that need renovation, smaller spaces, limited outdoor spaces, high turnover, high crime rates, and limited parking. The aforementioned is the issues and concerns that I have experienced first-hand in residing in an urban neighborhood. Now that I am an adult and mother I now understand the drastic differences in the importance of where to reside for various reason. I’d rather live in a new urbanist neighborhood because of the walkability, because various businesses are within a close mile radius which also allows me to can save on gas prevent air pollution. The quality architecture and urban design intrigues me most. The human scale and architecture and beautiful surroundings nourishes the human spirit. One of the perks of living in a new urbanist neighborhood is the mixed use and diversity. I believe that the diversity of people, income, and cultures create a progressive environment. I strive to be diverse and cultured so that I am able to gain new knowledge when connecting with various people.




Levy, J. M. (2013). Contemporary urban planning. (10th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.