Pro-poor Tourism: Exploring the problems in linking tourism with direct service providers in the value chain in Aksum, Northern Ethiopia.

recently conducted fieldwork in Aksum, Northern Ethiopia as part of my dissertation titled Pro-poor Tourism: Exploring the problems in linking tourism with direct service providers in the value chain in Aksum, Northern Ethiopia. The research is based on International Trade Centre’s Pro-poor Value Chain Approach, devised by Overseas Development Institute which follows a mixed methods approach. The objectives are as follows:

• To contest some of the findings of prior research (Bekele and Mezgebe 2016) by conducting a thorough financial assessment of the tourism value chain in Axum using a more robust and fitting research method in the form of pro-poor value chain analysis

• To conduct a situational diagnosis (phase one of PPVCA) that will describe and assess the local tourism economy in Axum

• To identify constraining factors, blockages and opportunities facing poor participants and non-participants in the value chain

• To explore the regulatory environment within which the tourism value chain functions, and examine the dynamics of the interrelationships between public sector institutions, and their policies and plans affecting the enabling environment

This dissertation belongs to the ‘Tourism, Environment and Development Masters of Arts degree’. The word limit for the literature review is 3,850.

The deadline for this thesis is fast approaching and I simply do not have enough time to complete it on my own. Therefore, I have decided to assign the literature review to you. I have attached a very rough, unfinished and messy draft of this chapter to give you an idea on the structure and subject matter that I would like to cover. Please read this draft carefully and do not stray away too much from the subject matter nor structure of the sections and sub sections. I have created checklists for the chapter as a whole and for each section – PLEASE READ THEM BEFORE STARTING THE LITERATURE REVIEW. In addition, I have included recent feedback from my supervisor.

It is not necessary to explore in depth pro-poor tourism in Aksum or Ethiopia but rather focus on pro-poor tourism literature. In the best geography dissertations, neither student mentioned their study location.

Structure of literature review (3850 words):
This will be divided into 4 main sections.

2.1 Tourism as a developmental tool
2.2 Pro-poor Tourism
2.3.1 Measuring the impact of tourism on poverty
• Please read Mitchell and Ashley 2010 as main reference.
2.3.2 Three pathways
2.4 Pro-poor Value Chain Approach
Reading material:
I have listed several key sources which I’ve been referencing thus far under the section checklists, including best geography dissertations from previous years – please read the literature reviews as guidance. You can also find useful sources in the PhD thesis by Halim (2014) which is based on a similar topic. Be careful not to plagiarise and copy word for word. Please find the listed reading material in the attachments. Please also find relevant lecture slides for the module Tourism and Development (lectures 1-4, and 9-10) and the module syllabus.

There is no limit on the number of references but aim for at least 10. Please also refer to the PGT Geography dissertation handbook.

This is an emergency so please write to the best of your ability. I must stress again that I’m looking for a first-class grade, within the 90-100% range. Please read the requirements for a distinction grade in the ‘Taught Postgraduate Marking Criteria’.