What does the audience already know (so that the speech won’t bamboozle or bore them)? What experiences do the audience members bring to the speech (so examples can be related to their experience)? What does the audience expect from the speaker? What is the audience’s attitude to the speaker? Do they like her? Will they believe her?

WeKarre CEO Francis McDonald has been invited to speak at the National Carers Conference in Canberra. This is a well-attended conference with guests invited from all Australian care-related not-for-profit organisations. The guests of honour are Federal Minister for Disability Services Ms Karen Wood and Shadow Minister Mr Lee Nguyen. Also expected to attend are a small number of supporters of Narsey’s comments regarding cutting payments to carers. Francis has been allocated 10 minutes to speak about the importance of the NDIS for the carer community. Following recent negative and misleading information regarding payments to carers, Francis also wants to ensure the community and relevant government representatives understand the realities of life as a carer.

Weekly exercise (week seven): Draft Francis’ speech. Include potential questions and answers. Begin by drafting a 30 minute plan to develop key messages and objectives. Consider these questions in your planning process:


  • What does the audience already know (so that the speech won’t bamboozle or bore them)?
  • What experiences do the audience members bring to the speech (so examples can be related to their experience)?
  • What does the audience expect from the speaker? What is the audience’s attitude to the speaker? Do they like her? Will they believe her?


  • Select three key messages that are the most important for the reaching of your objectives. These will be the three main points within the structure of your speech.