Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are the kind of skills in which one acquires and later transfers them into future employments. After having a close look at the topic on transferable skills, I conducted a self-assessment to enable me identify the kind of transferable skills that I might possess (Pulliam 2001). From the great list, I have been able to spot out organizational, communication and interpersonal skills. I have been aware of my exceptions relationship skills, ability to cultivate helping behavior, ability to resolve conflicts and be a perfect team player.

Organizational abilities within me revolve around being able to meet deadlines, carrying out multiple assignment, planning, and proper management of time while at the same time being able to set and attain SMART goals. I believe in honesty being the perfect policy that has to be earned. I believe in maintenance of a healthy balance between work and life with a strict belief in family being of fundamental importance. A basic core valued that I have always developed is the belief in one God and belonging to a religious institution as well as being a good steward of properties and practicing prudence.

Conducting a self-assessment is geared towards developing a formal but structured way of getting knows what an individual really wants. Conducting an inventory on an individual skills and abilities is helpful especially when one is trying to find and ideal working environment (Pulliam 2005). Choosing a career I belief calls for knowing one’s likes and dislikes in order to create and experience that is out of this world. Conducting an inventory allows one to develop a clear understanding of his strengths, skills, personality and valued while at the same time gathering essential knowledge of choosing an essential career.