Choose a topic of interest and write a proposal to a funding agency. The proposal must include the problem, purpose, significance, feasibility, literature review, framework, design, sample, measurement, and plan for collection and analysis of data.

Choice 1: Quantitative or Qualitative Research Proposal
Choose a topic of interest and write a proposal to a funding agency. The proposal must include the problem, purpose, significance, feasibility, literature review, framework, design, sample, measurement, and plan for collection and analysis of data. A study budget and timetable should also be included. (Refer to Chapters 28 and 29 of the required course textbook.)
• Title page
• Introduction
• Literature review
• Framework
• Research Hypotheses/questions
• Methodology
• Plans for Data Collection and Analysis
• Budget
• Any Appendices
Choice 2: Evidence-Based Systematic Review
Identify a clinical problem and develop a PICO question. Review the literature about this question, using a minimum of 10 references. This systematic review will identify, appraise, and synthesize the studies to answer the question. Conclusions are made based on scientific evidence. (Refer to Chapter 19)
• Title Page
• Abstract
• Relevant clinical question
• Purpose or aim of review
• Literature Search criteria and strategies
• Comprehensive search and results
• Critical appraisal process and findings
• Results of findings (table and narrative format)
• Discussion—implications, limitations, conclusions