Obesity and Overweight

Obesity and overweight is excessive and abnormal accumulation of fat that impairs individuals’ health. The study of obesity and overweight in public health is of great significance because it establishes the reasons for increased health risks such as diabetes and high blood pressure. The body mass index is a specific tool that compares both the weight and height of an individual to establish whether an individual is overweight or not (Ashok, 2015). The study shall demonstrate the data that needs to be collected and what need to be considered in choosing the study design for the overweight or obesity study.

Obesity and overweight is an epidemic and public health issue in both developing and developing countries.  The issue is believed to have great impact on psychological and physical health of the society. The fact that cultural, environmental and lifestyle preferences plays a vital role in rising cases of obesity in the world there is need for researchers to use qualitative research design to establish the causes and consequences of overweight in the society.  As a matter of fact, obesity and overweight is the major cause of cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure health issues among the adults and children. it may lead into physiological and physical consequences in the society. Hence, the use of qualitative research design in the form of interviews and focused group would be of great importance because it will evaluate the causes and the consequences of being overweight (Ashok, 2015).  In conclusion, I would choose qualitative research design because I shall be dealing with a focused group of individuals suffering from obesity and overweight physically and psychologically with whom I shall conduct the interviews.  From the information collected using the qualitative research design I would be in position to understand the recent causes and consequences of obesity and overweight in the society.


Ashok, L. (2015). Childhood obesity: causes and consequences. Family Medicine and Primary Care Journal. Vol.4(2), Pp.187-192.