Identify three main concepts, themes or ideas coming out of the book that inform you of what it might have been like for your family or others in their migration experience. These concepts should be connected to the course content, although there may be a new idea or theme that is equally important that you would like to acknowledge.

For this assignment you will select a book (either fiction or nonfiction but preferably a life story rather than facts) that you believe will inform you in some way of the experience your family (or others) had in their migration, and what you will explore in your migration snapshot assignment. You may wish to select a book based on nationality, although other cultural characteristics might also be considered.  A search for “books on (Irish) immigration” usually yields a good selection.


Please provide 5-7 double spaced pages (12 pt font) and a proper reference for the book. You will be graded on your ability to connect themes and ideas from the course from the book, and identify how it might inform your own migration and/or your migration snapshot assignment.


First, provide a brief summary of the book (in your own words).  This should be no more than one page.


Continue with a 3-2-1 format for this book review…


  1. Identify three main concepts, themes or ideas coming out of the book that inform you of what it might have been like for your family or others in their migration experience. These concepts should be connected to the course content, although there may be a new idea or theme that is equally important that you would like to acknowledge.


  1. Identify two ideas or experiences that struck you as you read the book (positive or negative). What troubled or enlightened you about the experiences portrayed, or how the author captured this experience? What did you personally find challenging or liberating as you read?  Was there content that you found upsetting or enlightening?  Identify these and explain, connecting these ideas and experiences to the course content wherever possible.


  1. Identify one question that the book brings to mind with regard to your migration snapshot.


Also include a statement about the critical value of the book to the course.  Is this a book you would to other students?  Does it illuminate the migration experience in a meaningful way?  Does it “bring home” for you the physically and emotionally challenging nature of migration?  Does it support the concepts that we cover in the course. Did you enjoy it?


Please see examples from  for  inspiration.


Contact with any questions.