Western Civilization

Write a 2 – 3-page, double-spaced paper on the subject you pick from the list below. It is due on September 23 by 9:00. Late papers will lose 50%. I will not accept any paper more than 24 hours old. Please provide your references in APA style. Do not use Wikipedia, and you should use at least two references. This paper needs to be submitted through Safe Assignment. The paper should be 12 point Times New Roman with one inch margins. The closer you get to 3 pages of solid work the higher your grade will be on this paper. If you at 2 pages you will not earn a high grade, and less than 2 pages you will be in danger of flunking this assignment. After you turn in your paper into Safe Assignment if your originality score is higher than 75% there will be an adverse effect on your grade. The originality score is a score that shows me how much your paper is copied from another source. I also reserve the right to make you do your paper over if the score is too high.
To figure out APA do not hesitate to look at the Library Research link.
Pick one of the following topics:
Alexander the Great
The Pyramids
The Torah