Bus Radio Theft Investigation

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you answer the following questions from the point of view of the investigator.
What documents, interviews, direct observations, and additional tactics would you use to conduct the investigation?
What is your authority in obtaining statements from employees who are on your interview list?
What would be your approach in interviewing a person you suspect of having been involved or responsible for the thefts?
How would you deal with issues of confidentiality in the interviewing of witnesses?
What technological tools might be helpful in this investigation?
Where might you find additional information?
What questions would you ask and of whom?
What information is essential in the documentation of the final report?
Write your analysis of what was revealed in your investigation of these thefts
In your conclusion state your assessment of your opinion about who was responsible for the thefts
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.