Part Three is a Strategy Recommendation. Please make recommendations to your company’s business level strategy or corporate level strategy.

1. Part Three is a Strategy Recommendation. Please make recommendations to your company’s business level strategy or corporate level strategy.

2. NO executive summary is required for this part.

3. The first section is to analyze your company’s business level strategy. You need to: 1) identify your company’s business level strategy, i.e. whether it is cost leadership, differentiation, focused cost leadership, focused differentiation or a combination. Please explain why you think this is your company’s business level strategy. 2) Analyze how this business level strategy is achieved through your company’s value chain activities.

4. The second section is to analyze your company’s corporate level strategy. You need to: 1) Identify one of your company’s corporate level strategies. Please choose one from the following: horizontal integration, vertical integration, outsourcing, related diversification, and unrelated diversification. Please explain why you think this is your company’s primary corporate level strategy. It is possible they participate in more than one of these, try to find the one that has the greatest apparent focus. You may discuss the others briefly as well and how they relate, but try to focus on the primary one you identify. 2) Discuss how your company implements this corporate level strategy, whether through merger and acquisition, strategic alliance, joint venture, internal development, or through other means.
5. For the first and second sections, you can prioritize your writing on either one, based on your company’s strategy preference. If you company mainly uses business level strategy to achieve its goals, then you may want to discuss more on the first section. Similarly, if your company mainly uses corporate level strategy to create values, then you may want to elaborate on the second section. You can also allocate your writing equally on these two sections, if you find your company does not have a specific focus on either of these two strategies.
6. The third section is to make recommendations to your company’s business level or corporate level strategy. In your Part one and Part two analyses, you have identified the opportunities and threats in your company’s industry, and the competitive advantages and disadvantages that your company has. How can your company improve its business level strategy or corporate level strategy in order to either strengthen its competitive advantages, or overcome its competitive disadvantages, to utilize the industry’s opportunities or mitigate the industry’s threats? Please explain the rationale of your strategy recommendations. (You need to spend at least one page on this section.)
7. Please write in full sentences, not in bullet points.
8. Other requirements include: 1) minimum of 3 pages, maximum of 5 pages plus references. 2) double spaced, font size 12, 1-inch standard margin. 3) at least two references provided, including our library source. In order to do a good job, you may need to have more than two references. 4) Please provide correct and complete references. Formatting of them doesn’t matter – just make sure it’s good enough that I can find it based on what info you give me. Do NOT just copy and paste a library URL (unless you check it yourself and it works).
9. Bottom line: NO PLAGARIASM IS ALLOWED! This means if you use block quotes, make sure to quote and cite the source. Also, a vast majority of your paper should be your own, regardless of quotes. Only quote information that is unusually perfect in its current form, where paraphrasing would hurt the meaning. Your paper should be yours, not a copy and paste of several sources, regardless of whether you cite them or not.