Islamic theologians relied both on revelation and tradition (Qur’an and Hadith) and on human reason to determine what they considered to be proper Islamic religious belief.

1) Discuss at least one difficult theological issue the theologians encountered, where revelation/tradition and reason seemed to contradict one another. 2) Explain: a) the different approaches taken by rationalist and traditionalist theologians to this issue; b) which approach you find most persuasive; and c) why.

I have attached all you need to write the essay. I attached the Essay Structure as well PLEASE FOLLOW ESSAY STRUCTURE FROM THE ATTACHMENT.

You don’t have to cite ALL of the attachments but you have to at least cite 4 from your choice, and one of them MUST BE (use a quote) from the images of the pages that I sent you, that is from a book called Islamic Theology Traditionalism and Rationalism by Binyamin Abrahamov.

-Discuss one issue
-4 pages double spaced 12 font Times New Roman
-no work cited or bibliography
-Please write about a considered conclusion rather than an opinion
-When citing in the texts please cite like this (LAST NAME, PAGE NUMBER)
-Why is this an issue, Where did revelation % reason conflict each other?
-How did traditionalists attempt to solve it? How did rationalists attempt to solve it? What do you think??
-Please mainly gain the information from the attachments I have given, you can use outside sources to gain more insight on the topic but please dont use that for the citations.