Williams claims that the cultural and sexual economies of tourism in Bahia are linked together. In the first section of your paper, explain Williams’s main argument about the specter of sex tourism and the ambiguous entanglements that it generates. Select two key insights about anthropology that you have gained from lectures, films, and readings thus far (weeks 1, 2, and 3), and apply them to your discussion.

Write a 500-700 word paper responding to the following prompt:

Williams claims that the cultural and sexual economies of tourism in Bahia are linked together. In the first section of your paper, explain Williams’s main argument about the specter of sex tourism and the ambiguous entanglements that it generates. Select two key insights about anthropology that you have gained from lectures, films, and readings thus far (weeks 1, 2, and 3), and apply them to your discussion. Williams writes that she has been influenced by “feminist anthropology, queer studies, and activist anthropology” (Williams 2013, 9). Connect one of these theoretical approaches to your analysis of the anthropological nature of Williams’s study.

In the second section of your paper, explore the range of actors who participate in the touristscape of Bahia. Conclude by discussing one methodological challenge that Williams faced in conducting her research.

Here are some tips for doing this assignment well:

Stay on topic and engaged with the text. Organize your paper around a main point: craft an “argument” and provide evidence that supports your argument. This is a response to the reading; your personal view can be included but must be supported by discussion of the text. This is not a summary of the text—engage in analysis!
Respond to the prompt. The prompt provides guidance on the content you should engage. Ensure you include transitions from one set of ideas to the next, and tie your points together throughout.
Include citations and evidence of engagement with the reading. Remember to cite properly and include a works cited list! You should use Chicago style (author year, page) for your in-text citations. For an example, see the style I used above in the prompt. I recommend paraphrasing ideas (you must still include a citation!) rather than relying on long quotations. Paraphrasing saves space and demonstrates that you have understood the text. Also, choose relevant examples. For more information on citational etiquette, please see the syllabus.
Be sure to edit your response carefully for correct essay writing conventions including: full sentences, proper grammar and spelling, adequate paragraphing, and well-organized points. I recommend crafting your paper in a word processing program for proofreading before uploading it to the discussion forum.