This is a quantitative dissertation using structural equation modeling (SEM) for its analysis

• This is a quantitative dissertation using structural equation modeling (SEM) for its analysis
• Use SmartPLS 3 statistics software for the analysis (I would like a copy of that file you created)
• Use the formatting of the attached BestEssay_Daseline.doc
• For References, please try and use the ones already provided in the BestEssay_Daseline.doc; however, if you need to use additional ones please provide them in the references section.
• BestEssay_Daseline.doc
 Please use this as a baseline for chapters 1-3 for this dissertation
 I will be making modifications to these chapters concurrently while you are working on chapters 4 & 5. Please make sure that you include the following:
• Use past tense for all references to research, I already collected the raw data
• I modified the data collection. I originally spent 2 weeks collecting data distributing a survey to the two LinkedIn groups using a survey that I created in Survey Monkey. After those two weeks, I didn’t receive a single usable response. I changed the data collection method and decided to use Qualtrics to collect response. I asked for 200 responses, and I was provided with 208 useable response.
• For Chapter 4, please follow the data analysis section by providing the charts/graph that is listed in your final paper. For example “For the proposed study, the use of descriptive statistics will serve to characterize the sample of participants, their organizations, and the chosen production line projects. Like the data analysis methods and procedures employed by Tyssen, Wald, and Heidenreich (2014), exploratory data analysis using graphical and quantitative data analysis techniques will serve to examine variables and test for normality on the dependent variable (Kolmogorvo-Smirnov test), linearity (Scatter-Plot Test), no multicollinearity (Partial Least Squares Test), and homoscedasticity (Scatter-Plot Test) (Osborne & Waters, 2002), and ensure the validity of the parametric statistical analysis of SEM based on collected data. Testing for normality on the independent, mediating, and moderating variables (Kolmogorvo-Smirnov test), will also serve to describe the study data. For these variables, even if the assumption/requirement of normality is not meet, it would not disqualify the use of a parametric statistical analysis of SEM.” (p. 113)

• Survey BestEssay.pdf
 This is the survey that I created in Qualtrics that was used for this research. I am providing it for your reference.
• Survey Response Best Essay.xlsx
 This is the raw (un-cleaned) data
 When you respond with your finished chapter 4, can you please provide me with the clean data that you used for your analysis.
• Dissertation Example Using SEM.
 This is an already published dissertation that uses performs a SEM analysis, that was already approved by the school. I have been using this as an example of the direction I want my dissertation to head down.