Multicultural communication

Question 1

According to the article “How innovative is your company’s culture,” many organization managers want the companies they lead to be more creative and innovative. Many of them read various books and articles, attend seminars and further their education in order to ensure that the organization culture within their leadership regime is attained and maintained (Mark, 2014). Most managers recognize the strong culture of both Google and Facebook companies which remain successful in the current volatile market. The article suggests that in order for an organization culture to be recognized to be innovative it must be built on efficient processes, resources, behavior, success, values and success.

According to the article, essential skills for leadership effective in diverse work place development,” leadership skills of the managers are important component for the organization culture. The success of these organizations currently depends on the capacity and the functions of these managers in ensuring a diverse working environment. The organization managers must also recognize that the workforce management in these organizations is complex and require the basic management skills and competence (Joel, 2008). In addition, the article, “leadership style, organizational culture and performance: empirical evidence from UK companies,” both leadership style of the managers and the culture of the organizations are related. According to the study leadership styles determines the performance of the organization both in the internal and external market on the globe. It is important for the managers to get insight into the culture of the workplace in order to understand the goals of the organization and the leadership skills required by that organization (Emmanuel, 2010).

Question 2

Enron Corporation was one of the world leading energy producing company in both electricity and natural gas. The company used to make billions of dollars from the services it provided to its customers around United States and the world. Nevertheless, the board of directors of the company started to engage with malpractices in their accounting process. The profit obtained from the company’s sales and distribution of energy was misappropriated and others were not accounted for during the preparation of the books of accounts of the company.  Managers from various departments of the organization were engaging into corrupt practices (Emmanuel, 2010). As a result of the managers being corrupt, mistrust and non-accountable to the vision of their organization the Enron Corporation ended up failing.  The core principles of ethical management which were violated by the accountants and the board of directors of the Enron Corporation included: misrepresentation, dishonesty and lack of accountability. The bankruptcy of the Enron Corporation could have been avoided if the managers had the vision of the company at heart, if the right leadership skills were adopted and if the workers of the organization had a strong positive culture.  Nonetheless, the culture of the Enron Corporation was poor directly from the top managers to the human resources workforce as everybody was corrupt in one way or the other.


Question 3

In the 21st century, the workforce in most organization across the globe is characterized with increased number of minorities, women, intergenerational workers and staffs with different lifestyles. Multicultural ethnicity has become a reality in most of these organizations. Therefore, there has been the need for the managers to communicate to the workers in a heterogeneity manner by ensuring that they recognize the differences of their workers in terms of their race, gender, religion, cultural and ethnicity background. Crises within organizations present serious threats to the strategic goals of the stakeholders and the organizations themselves (Chuang, 2013).  The reason for these is because they are unpredicted or unexpected. Despite the size of the organization, crisis communication might disrupt the normal operation, organizational future growth, reputation, survival and more so the organization potential to make profit in the market. Crisis communication normally jeopardizes all the interests of the managers, employees, community members and the stakeholders. As a result, crisis communication usually has an impact on individual’s security, sense of reality and normality. Given the fact that communication regularly takes place in an organization, a single communication crisis might significantly destroy or damage the performance of the organization.

As a manager in order to avoid crisis communication in an organization, it is important to understand the current state of the workforce and the society. It is important to understand that the society is characterized by virtual forms of interrelations, vast cultural exchange and highly depend of technology. Therefore, as a manager it is of great significance to ensure that before making any communication in the workplace, the information being communicated meet the benchmark of intercultural, intercultural, cultural identify, culture diversity and multiculturalism communication for each and every workers in that organization. By doing so, the manager would be in position to respect the cultural values of the workforce and the organization in general (Oliveira, 2013).  The appropriate steps that a manager needs to take in order to ensure that the organization is prepared for crisis communications plan in a multicultural workplace is to ensure that all the workers understand the culture of the organization. In addition, it is important for the manager to come up with proper communication channels which takes in place the multicultural diversity of the workers in an organization. The manager should also establish tactics and strategies which balances the goals of the organizations while at the same time putting into consideration the goals and objectives of the workers in a multicultural diversity workplace.


Emmanuel, O. (2010). Leadership style, organizational culture and performance: Empherical evidence from UK companies. Human resource management journal. Vo.6(2), Pp. 766-788.

Chuang, S. (2013). Essential skills for leadership effectiveness in diverse workplace development.  Vol. 6(1), Pp. 223-244.

Mark, M.(2014). Recognizing organizational culture in managing change. Oxford University Press.

Joel, Y.(2008). Critical Success Factors for effective risk management. New York Publishers.

Oliveira, M. (2013). Multicultural Environments and Their Challenges to Crisis Communication. Journal of Business Communication, 50(3), 253-277.