health and social policy


  • For each questions Provide a 500-750 word response
  • Utilize a sufficient number of evidence-informed sources to support your posting (e.g., journal articles, reports from reputable health and social policy organizations such as CIHI, Health Quality Ontario, RNAO (Registered Nurses Association of Ontario), CNA (Canadian Nurses Association), (College of Nurses of Ontario) CNO ). It is expected that students will go beyond the use of a text book or the course module content to inform your discussion board response. List your references at bottom of your answer for EACH QUESTION in APA format.
  • Please base the answer in Canadian context
  • Please do question and the answer, don’t combine the answers for all the question

Quality of responses:

-Answering the question in a way that demonstrates your engagement with the issue, critical thinking, and a clear, logical argument;


-Providing a unique contribution to the question (e.g. the discussion board submission does not regurgitate online module content but rather provides the student’s own interpretation of the issue/content).


– Critical application of your answer as an Ontario (provincial) or Canadian (national) health or social policy issue. It should be clearly outlined whether or not your focus is provincial or national.


-Application and integration of your answer to one or more of the core concepts discussed in this course such as policy drivers, agenda setting, ideas, interests and institutions. For example, if the module content focuses on the Institutions component of the 3I framework, then you should be trying to integrate this into your analysis.


-Utilizing research evidence or policy relevant literature from reputable health care organizations to support ideas. Please do not regurgitate what is on the online module or a text book, you need to go beyond this and use the literature. And


-Applying the research evidence or policy relevant literature back to your discussion board response (e.g. you are not just putting a reference into your response for the sake of using a reference)


  1. Consider the following policy problem: Quality Improvement and the Excellent Care for All Act.

Now that you are familiar with legislated quality improvement, do you think that quality improvement plans and initiatives are necessary, why or why not? What are the implications should a hospital not carry out any form of quality improvement? (Q5)


Buse, K., Mays, N., & Walt, G. (2009). Chapter 4: Agenda setting (pp. 6379). In Making Health Policy, New York: Open University Press/McGraw-Hill Education.

Department of Finance Canada. (2012). Federal Support to Provinces and Territories and The Canada Health Transfer and the Canada Social Transfer. Major Federal Transfers. 

Gauvin, F.P. (2014). Understanding policy developments and choices through the “3I” framework: Interests, Ideas, and Institutions (Opens PDF document).

Montreal, Quebec: National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHP). Policy Issue – Quality Improvement and Excellent Care for All Act

Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. (2017). Excellent Care for All Act, 2010, S.O. 2010, c. 14. 

Health Quality Ontario. (2017). Quality Matters: Realizing Excellent Care for All (Opens PDF document) (Opens PDF document).   

Health Quality Ontario. (2017). Insights into quality improvement: Hospitals: Impressions and observations. 2016/2017 Quality Improvement Plans (Opens PDF document) (Opens PDF document).

  1. Consider the following policy problem: Registered Nurse Prescribing.

Upon consideration of the differences in scope of practice and responsibilities, what do registered nurses need to do before they can be considered competent and safe to prescribe approved medications and corresponding diagnoses? Should any registered nurse be permitted to prescribe medications? What rules would you put into place to protect the public if you were making policy decisions? (Q3)
