Source types worksheet materials

1. You should print off a copy of the historical source worksheet and read the categories you will need to complete.

2. You should first read all of the materials linked below before beginning to complete your worksheet.

3. Once you have read all of the materials below, you can complete your worksheet.

4. You will need to scan or photograph your worksheet and upload this to Moodle using the link before 11 p.m. on Friday 14 September (week 4). If taking a photograph, ensure that it is of good enough quality that it can be easily read on a computer screen. Worksheets that cannot be read will not be graded.

Please complete your worksheets by hand unless you have special accommodations. I do not care about handwriting. The worksheet is laid out to be completed by hand, so you know how much to include in each box.

Top tip! don’t overthink the categorisation e.g. while there might be some direct quotes from documents written at the time in a book that was recently written and looks like a textbook, the item when considered as a whole is a….? While there might be contemporary images included within a book that otherwise looks like a recent publication, the item when considered as a whole is a …?

Remember that translations of primary sources are OK and that the background info at the top of some of the following is just some background I have given you to help you identify the source and can be excluded.