During the next few decades of the 21st century, information organizations will face enormous challenges including the rapid rate of change, continuous digital transformation, financial constraints and shifts in the nature and needs of users.

Assessment item 3

Developing a project plan

Value: 50% Due Date: 02-Oct-2018 Return Date: 22-Oct-2018 Length: 2000 words


During the next few decades of the 21st century, information organizations will face enormous challenges including the rapid rate of change, continuous digital transformation, financial constraints and shifts in the nature and needs of users. You are required to think about a project for a library, archive, records office, knowledge management centre or other information-related workplace that you are familiar with to meet one of these challenges.

Develop a project plan in Microsoft Project or any other project management software for the project sponsor that shows how you propose to implement this project.

Your project plan should include the following typical plan elements:

  1. Goals and objectives, scope and assumptions
    2. The perceived benefits of your project
    3. A minimum of 15 structured tasks not including major deliverables or milestones
    4. A start date, finish date and duration for each task
    5. Precedence of tasks
    6. Communications plan
    7. Resources with costs – people, places, facilities
    8. Risk management

For this assignment, you should also include the supporting management material – evidence of project management tools used and other evidence that ties your project together and makes it workable. Your project, a “baseline” ready project, is due to begin on 1 October 2018.


This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • demonstrate an understanding of the issues of working in a collaborative environment.
  • be able to apply appropriate methods of solving problems.
  • demonstrate an understanding of factors influencing project design and implementation.
  • be able to effectively prioritise tasks within preset timelines.

This assessment item requires the use of a project tool as a part of presenting a project plan to the sponsor. The plan needs to be clear, concise, yet detailed for the sponsor to understand your approach clearly and accurately.

Marking criteria and standards

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Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Demonstration of quality of overall project plan elements and software output (as appropriate) in support of the plan (60%) The project plan is very well organised, easy to follow. Each section of the project plan includes detailed content that is very well thought out, demonstrating exceptional work with an excellent understanding of the concepts, goals, objectives and principles required for the task. All the elements are included and work together very well. Well organised project plan with clear headings most of time. Most sections of the project plan include detailed content that is well thought out, demonstrating work of a very high standard with a clear understanding of the main concepts, objectives and principles required for the task. Most of the elements are included and work together well. The organisation of the project plan is good. It presents most key elements; however, some aspects could be improved. Most sections of the project plan are applied well and include detailed content. Most of the elements are included correctly, but there may be some contradictions in activities, strategies, assumptions etc. The project plan is adequate, but some elements are disorganised. Many sections of the project plan are lacking in detailed content. Some key elements of the project plan are missing and many areas of the project plan feel disconnected from each other. Fails to meet the criteria for a pass.
Evidence of creative thinking of the issues to be faced, broad range of reading, and provision of definitions and explanations of assumptions and major terms (30%)


Your project plan shows comprehensive evidence of a broad range of reading and thinking on the issues, assumptions and concepts required. Your ability to identify, analyse, define and explain core concepts by synthesising them into a number of key points is excellent. Your project plan shows clear evidence of a broad range of reading and thinking on the issues, assumptions and concepts required. Your ability to identify, define and explain concepts by synthesising them into a number of key points is apparent but your analysis could improve. Overall expression is good. Your project plan shows a satisfactory level of evidence of a range of reading and thinking on the issues, assumptions and concepts required. Your ability to identify, define and explain most key concepts is apparent, however, some important assumptions and terms may have been overlooked or under-emphasised. Overall expression is clear. Your project plan shows evidence of a limited range of reading and thinking on the issues, assumptions and concepts required. Your ability to define or explain them is limited mainly to the simple description of terms and concepts and there are important terms and assumptions that have been overlooked or under-emphasised. Expression of concepts can be improved. Fails to meet the criteria for a pass.
Language, use of appropriate format and referencing (10%) Language features and structures are used to convey meaning effectively, clearly, concisely, unambiguously, and in a tone appropriate to the audience and purpose with no spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors. Follow assessment format and presentation standards perfectly. Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and conforms exactly to APA style conventions. Language features and structures are used to convey meaning effectively, clearly, unambiguously, and in a tone appropriate to the audience and purpose with few spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors. Follow format and presentation standards closely. Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and conforms to APA style conventions with hardly any errors or omissions. Minor errors have no impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity. The text contains no errors in spelling, grammar, word choice, and structure, is clearly written with the meaning apparent to the reader without any effort. Apply assessment format and presentation standards adequately Referencing is comprehensive and mostly accurate according to APA style conventions. Up to three minor errors or omissions in style and formatting choices (e.g. italics, punctuation, underlining) are present, which don’t impact the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity. The text contains minor errors in spelling, grammar, word choice, and structure, sometimes lacks clarity and conciseness, but the meaning is apparent to the reader with a little effort. Apply assessment format and presentation standards partially. Referencing is comprehensive and mostly accurate according to APA style conventions. Some minor errors or omissions in style and formatting choices (e.g. italics, punctuation, underlining) don’t impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity. Fails to meet the criteria for a pass.



A clear project plan needs to be compiled in a single Word document. Use of Microsoft Project (or any other project management software) is required and software data outputs should be included as attachments/appendices, or as screen captures inside the main body. Remember, the basis of your presentation is to convince the sponsor that you are the right person to manage the project.

Your project plan in Word document should have a proper structure (i.e., include cover page, table of contents, executive summary, introduction, body, conclusion, recommendations, appendices (if any), and references).

Cover page, table of contents, appendices and references are not included in the word count but every other word will be counted (including in-text citations).