Multimedia Forum & Vicarious Experiences

–The tips and requirements are in the attachment with the readings.

Question 1 Multimedia Forum
It is assumed, generally, two modes (or more) are better than one. For example, in most cases having visuals and text increase cognitive processing/learning. Provide an example of an artifact that utilizes more than one mode of communication. Please apply information from the readings in your statements.

Something cool I would like you all to try if you have a smart device – Disney has something called “Appisodes.” This is a voice interactive episode of a Disney program where the action will not move on until the child responds to the device. Very interesting… It does still pass with an incorrect answer… but the neat thing about this also is that there is some help needed from the child with a swipe or tap to move objects… talk about an advancement in children’s television! Check it out! There are some free episodes to try. This would utilize audio, visual as well as haptic responses.