structure: Cholesterol – Molecule 9

Week 2:
1. Draw the structure of your molecule, on blank paper. Identify all the functional groups present in your molecule. Circle them, (or box them), and write the names beside the groups. If applicable, also remember to label groups as primary, secondary, tertiary.
2. Indicate the IR signals you might expect to see in an IR spectrum of your compound. Write these in beside the functional group labels. Refer to the handout given in class. Scan the document with information about the functional groups and IR signals and save it as a word file. Submit this as a word file with the document below to canvas.
3. In the “Tools” folder on canvas homepage, there is a molecular modeling handout/tutorial to practice building simple molecules musing Spartan software. Print it out for handy reference.
• Go to the computer lab (CCIL) in the Chemistry building, and learn how to use the Spartan software to build several simple molecules using the tutorial.
• Generate the structure of your adopted molecule, refer to the structure you submitted last week to accomplish this task.
• “Minimize” the energy of the molecule you draw. This will give you a conformation that corresponds to the minimum energy. In actuality, this task must be performed multiple times for accuracy, but you need to do it only once for this assignment. Save the image,
• Print the structure, recording the number indicating the minimized energy – you may need to write it in by hand.
• You must get the Lab Monitor’s initials on the print-out. Scan this printout, save it as a word document and then submit it in canvas. If it is not saved with a “.doc” I may not be able to open it!
4. Remember to post references for this work: functional groups, IR spectra and molecular modeling.
Some of you may not have posted your references for information gathered and posted last week. You need to add those in or your reported data will be considered unacceptable.
Add the information, as well as any other corrections you might wish to make, as a new posting- do not put it in the comment box, maybe in response to a comment from me, That can get “lost” when I’m scrutinizing for completeness and correctness of posted information.