Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Public Service:
#Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

This is a college admission essay for Harvard University. The main themes will be HUMILITY I found in doing Public Service that I have done. I will message/email about the public service that I have done. Please pay attention to the following:
1.)Relate the use of the word problem to which of the two choices offered in Common App #4 you are trying to address–a problem solved or a problem you would like TO solve

2.)You want to drive home the education you receive, the work you did, the education you provided in turn, and how it informs your college application, though that last one indirectly.

3.) Please be reflective and use amazing diction. make each sentences powerful

I uploaded the essay that’s not completed yet.
Please, look at the essay example. Please write an admission essay that’s powerful and condensed with powerful words. Try to make it as creative as possible that can set it apart from other essay. feel free to add one or two short dialogue or any other spices as long as it can make the essay better, more cohesive, and powerful.

please build up a setting quickly(since there is word limit) but still able to create a vivid imagery and powerful scene. then reflect on it to show that I am really growing and learning from that event. Show the humility I found, show the process of critical thinking that I went through for the event/scene on the essay, show the education I RECEIVED, and education I PROVIDED in turn through my Non-Profit organization: rafflesia foundation (rafflesiafoundation.org) (yes, I have a non-profit organization ) Show that the work that I did was the embodiment of my passion and humility that I learnt from Irshad Manji(an activist that i met; read the attachment) I am originally from Indonesia, but studying in USA since 2015(freshman year) and did public service/held an event in mEXICO AND Indonesia of Planting 2,000 trees togther with MEXICAN government.