Research Problem Paper

The Week 2 Assignment should be written in correct APA style and should include the following::
Thoroughly review the instructions from the Week 2 Writing Assignment. Include –
A title—a sample problem statement
A few sentences to introduce the problem and provide background
Straightforward and unambiguous sentences (1–2) that clearly state the problem (Note: Make it specific and precise.)
d. About 2–3 paragraphs that synthesize the evidence from research literature that this is a current, meaningful problem in the educational discipline
Statements substantiated by evidence from research (Note: Every statement must be substantiated by evidence from research.)
A short paragraph describing who would benefit from addressing this problem and in what ways they might benefit
Reference list of literature, in APA format, supporting this proposed study
Should be 3–6 pages in length, not including the title or reference pages
Open the Week 2 Assignment file that your instructor returned to you in the gradebook.
Read the feedback that your instructor gave to you.
Revise the paper. Be extremely careful to address every comment your professor gave to you.

Single, P. B. (2010). Demystifying dissertation writing: A streamlined process from choice of topic to final text. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Chapter 8, “Developing a Regular Writing Routine” (pp. 127–147)