Asia Study

The aim of this work is to discuss how the principle of Confucianism, Daoism and legalism had an impact to the way of life in China. Confucianism is a religion way of life which has a colossal impact to the political philosophy and social structure of China. It was often characterized by a system of ethical and social philosophy instead of the religion. The idea is believed to be the foundation of the institutions and the social values of the Chinese society’s tradition. During the ancient times in China, the idea was regarded as a way of life for everybody in the country whether one believed on the religion or not. Master Kong was the founder of the idea of Confucianism (Judith, 2013). He never wished to introduce a new religion but he intended to revive and interpret the unnamed religion of the Chou dynasty. The idea was only accepted during the reign of the Han emperor as it was regarded to be a state of orthodoxy and ideology. The emperor promoted the   Confucianism ideas and used it to maintain law, status quo and order in China.

Moreover,    Confucianism in China was used to stress humaneness and social rituals. The idea supported that kindness and love is no longer one virtue but a collection of all other virtues.  Basically, the idea could be described as spiritual, reformist and idealistic in China. The idea is believed to encourage family interaction and the consideration of the needs of all people in the society. According to the idea, the ruler was regarded as the father of the society and was to provide for their needs. Confucius was the father of the Confucianism (Judith, 2013). He wanted the Chinese to accept the truth of the ancient because by adopting it he believed that the society would be in harmony and peace. Following the disharmony that existed in China, different school of thoughts had to be established.   Confucianism was the first school of though which was the most influential in healing the Chinese society. It encouraged them to embrace the Zhou Dynasty traditions.

Daoism was also referred to Taoism. It was an ancient religion tradition that shapes the life of the Chinese for more than 2000 years ago. The ideology was characterized by active and positive attitude towards the theories of nature to the reality. The definition of the ideology is full of complex twists despite the fact that it played a key role as far as the history of China was concerned. It is believed that under the leadership of Qin, Daoism had the potential to bring to an end the institutions which were believed to bring chaos in China (Judith, 2013). During the Daoism era, the religious groups adopted the institutions which belonged to the Buddhism and linked them to the martial arts and movements. Daoism is a theory that is believed to be impenetrable given its central concept. Daoism principle and school of though was mainly used in the ancient states of rules of the Jin and the Sui. It believed that the people in power have a moral duty to ensure that the society is free from conflict and lives in harmony.

Legalism is a political philosophy which never addressed the questions of nature and the reason for existence.   The idea in China was concerned with the most efficient and effective manner of governing the society. Legalism was one of the philosophical schools in the Chinese history. It was regarded as a political philosophy that upheld the rule of law in China. The principle believed that a ruler has the responsibility of governing his people through the law, method, art, and tactic and through the use of charismatic and legitimate power (Judith, 2013). In the Qin Dynasty, legalism was the pivot governing idea. The principle terminated with the unification of the first emperor in China. Many political thinkers and philosophers in China have had negative views in regard to the principle because it encouraged a totalitarian society. Many Chinese believed that the principle was reacting against the legal procedures in the Chinese political emperor. It supported moralistic politics instead of supporting the rule of law. Later, after other Dynasties in China took power it was no longer regarded as a free school of thought.

Nevertheless, some ancient Chinese politicians believed that legalism was merging the ideas of Confucianism and it had a huge role that it played in the government. Legalism is a school of Though in China which advocated for the rulers to use the law. The principle offered a set of methods and theories which would uphold the rules of law. It was the foundation of the power centralization in the Qin Dynasty between 221 and 207 BC. The idea provided a significant contribution towards finding the origin of the problems in China and the relationship between the society and the law. Legalism in China aimed at putting the society at the right path after being under confusion for many years (Judith, 2013). According to the principle, the nature of human being is in a manner that tries to pursue interests and fame. Therefore, it is the role of the government and the people in power to ensure that they use the power within them to guide the people in the right path.

In conclusion, Confucianism, Daoism and legalism are the three vital schools of thoughts which were used to bring harmony back in China. Despite the fact that each principle had its own believes and understanding, they all aimed at ensuring a united Chinese society. Nevertheless, they all had an impact as far as peace in China was concerned.


Judith, A.(2013). Confucianism, Daoism and legalism principles in China. Oxford University Press.