Critical Analysis of VIVID


In the story the VIVID, we are introduced into a family life where Nate Grayson is a man who don’t believes about love. The man no longer believes in the power of lover because he married Cecilia who ended up becoming unfaithful woman. She never gave birth to a child with Nate Grayson (Beverly, Pp.9).  The unfaithfulness of his wife makes Nate Grayson not to trust the services provided by female doctors. The work of this research is to demonstrate how Vivid character traits are acceptable as a familiar stereotype woman in the society.

Reasons why Vivid traits are acceptable as a stereotype woman

Despite the fact that Nate Grayson had been bored for being with love with any woman, his interaction with Vivid was a period of transformation because Vivid made him to have a positive believe about women. Nevertheless, his interaction with Vivid drastically changed him as he realized that not all women who are unfaithful (Beverly, Pp.10).  Vivid is quit understanding because when he met Nate Grayson and heard how he was criticizing any work that was done by a female, she was not annoyed but went ahead to listen and analyze why the Mayor was in support of such an idea. Despite the fact that Nate Grayson kept on criticizing all the duties done by women, Vivid tried to show him that women can have the same potential with those of men. Nate was so much disappointed when he was welcoming the anticipated physician for the Grayson Grove and realizes that she was a woman.  After the first encounter, Nate Grayson frankly informs Vivid that he does not believe female doctors.

Although Vivid was beautiful and had the right education to qualify for a job in Grayson Grove, Nate continued to use hateful words to describe female doctors. Nonetheless, Vivid was not astonished by Nate ignorance but she promised herself to succeed in her mission. She is so much determined to achieve her goals and mission no matter what might happen to hinder her progress (Beverly, Pp.14).  Vivid is friendly and jovial when she was accepted in the Grayson Grove she end up establishing friendship with Nate’s daughter Magic. The friendship enables her to find a better means of survival within the company’s compound. During her stay within the Nate’s family background she managed to learn that the family was the founder of the Grayson Grove. On the other hand, Nate learnt that the black heritage of Vivid and how her family participated in the discovery of the Los Angeles.

On her second day in town, Vivid was approached by numerous men who wanted to be in love with her because of her beauty. Vivid sincerely inform the men that she is not interested to be in love but she is determined to pursue her medical career.  Unlike Cecilia who was unfaithful to her husband Nate Grayson, Vivid is faithful not only to the husband but also to her medical career (Beverly, Pp.27). The work of Vivid in the Grayson Grove is extra ordinary and despite the Mayor’s bad motive about women he has come to realize that Vivid is quit different from what he had gone through with his ex-wife. He has realized that Vivid has the potential to transform the company into greater height despite the fact that she was a female.

Vivid is dedicated to her work because when the men were approaching her in order to become their lovers; she informed that she gives her career the first priority. Despite being criticized by Nate for being a female doctor and that he does not trust female doctors, she does not lose hope but go ahead and accept the career (Beverly, Pp.11). The hard working environment within Grayson Grove did not discourage her from achieving her mission but she was dedicated to her career rather than the situations at hand. She quickly established friendship with the people she encountered in order to ensure that nothing would hinder her from achieving her mission. She was a quick learner and she understood the motive of Nate Grayson and the various men in the street that were approaching her for the sake of love.

Moreover, Vivid is a hardworking woman who can be emulated by other women in the society. Just like the males in the society, Vivid has been successful in her education and end up to qualify to become a doctor (Beverly, Pp.21).  After being invited for a job in a different city far from her home country she does not reject the offer but end up turning for the job. She works hard in improving the status of the Grayson Grove as a physician to an extent he efforts are recognized by Nate Grayson who have negative motive about women.


Vivid is such a woman who should be emulated in the society because she is dedicated to her medical career, she is hard working, sincere and friendly. Unlike other women in the society who are unfaithful to their husbands, she is faithful to her and her career. She is hard working as she ends up becoming a doctor. Finally, she is dedicated in life because despite facing numerous rejections in the company she ends up to be accepted by Nate Grayson to continue with the work.

Work cited

Beverly, J. Vivid and the Nate Grayson family. 6th Edition, 2013. Oxford University Press.