comparative political science

This paper asks you to identify three countries with an associated issue that is of interest to you.
The issue can be:
• Democratic rollback
• Any of the issues covered in the second half of the course: Immigration, Policing and
Incarceration; Drug Prohibition; Internet & Freedom of Speech; Climate Change;
Taxation; Human Rights Violations
• With permission of the instructor, another key world issue which has important lessons
for the US (I prefer a democracy here; but am open to non-democracies as well).
Selecting which Countries to Study: You should select countries and issues which you find
interesting – but which you also think have some lessons to teach the rest of the world:
• these lessons can be cautionary (don’t do what xx country has done or else democratic
rollback is likely!);
• or these lessons can teach us positive lessons: (Germany has effectively promoted green
energy as a response to climate change and we could all learn from this!)
Instructions for this Paper:
In this paper, you will:
• Develop a research question for each of your three country/issue pairings. Your research
question should be either:
o How and why is democracy being rolled back in x country?
§ Remember: “democracy” and “democratic rollback” are subjective
concepts! An erosion of liberty (human/civil rights); participation
(criminalizing protests, worsening repression during elections) and/or
competition (checks and balances).
o How and why is x country addressing a pressing world issue?
§ How: This is straightforward: Ex: How and why is Australia imposing
new restrictions on immigration?
§ Why: Take your first shot at answering this question: briefly summarize
and relate the relevant information pertaining to the issue that interests you
in each country. Such information might include (among other things):
What are the challenges and what are the successes? What are the
positions of political parties and social movements regarding the issue at
Outside research is required for this assignment:
Minimum number of sources required: two scholarly sources per country (i.e. a total of SIX
sources). Note—this is the minimum; more sources, including non-scholarly sources, are welcome,
and would serve you well for three next assignment, which will build upon this assignment and
obviously necessitate a more robust information-base.
* To find scholarly articles, try; or see the “Political Science” resources at the
following links:
*A bibliography, in addition to your footnotes, is required.
Formatting: Papers should be double-spaced, using Times New Roman (size 12) and one-inch,
justified margins. Please put page numbers at the bottom of each page. All papers of more
than one page should be stapled together. Double-sided printing is acceptable.
Purpose of Assignment:
This paper will serve as a preliminary survey of potential topics for your final paper; one of
the countries you examine here will be expounded upon in future assignments, ultimately becoming
a stand-alone 12-15 page paper. This assignment also provides an opportunity to foster research
skills, practice citing sources, and hone the ability to effectively summarize key information.
To keep in mind…
• You will later be selecting one of these three country/issue pairings to analyze more
closely in your next two papers.
• In Paper 2 you should discuss how the building blocks of democracy – competition,
participation, and liberties – shape the way a country responds to an issue or democratic
For example, if you research question is: How and why has Australia moved to limit
immigration, you would analyze:
• The form of competition (What positions have their courts, social
movements, and political parties advocated for re: immigration?
Have policies been made quickly or been delayed because of the
type of government they have (President vs. Prime Minister?
Majority vs. Proportional Representation?);
• The way their citizens politically participate (who gets to vote?
Have there been pro- and anti-immigrant marches?)
• or the rules and norms around citizen and non-citizen liberties