Wonnarua Winery Loan Application

Wonnarua marketing activity

Wonnarua Company was born with authentic desired to establish a well grown Australian wine. The company aims at establishing a product that is well crafted and which is environmentally friendly. In order to achieve this, the company’s management ensured that it employed a team of expert employees. Over the last three years, the organic wine market has risen to more than 6.9% of the Australian organic market. Grape production in the country has increased by more that 120%, so it’s possible to produce the Wonnarua organic wine (Frank, 2013). Given the high wine products produced by the company, it will be easier to establish marketing strategies such as promotional strategies which would assist it to capture a larger market in Australia.  The companies pricing strategies are based on affordability. All the wine products produced by the company target the middle income classes of people. Since the middle income classes of people are the best consumers of the wines the company has seen the need to target them.

The company maintains the highest quality of its products by ensuring that it employees the local employees to pick the best grapes which are to be used in the production process of the wine. The company’s suppliers are experts in the field and they are regarded to be sharing the Wonnarua vision. Having the right suppliers makes its easier for the company to market the produced products to the targeted customers (Frank, 2013). The company is located approximately 170 kilometres north of Sydney in the Hunter region which is known for its potential to blend wines.  For this reason, the company is in a position to market its wine products just like its competitors. The company’s potential to produce a 100% Australia products, Wonnarua Winery would be in a position to market its products to the local consumers. The management of the company does not only aim at producing new types of the wines but at aims at creating classic wines with full, rich bodied flavours caused by the unique Australian climate.

Wonnarua marketing strategy

The company aims at adopting promotional marketing strategy. Despite the fact that the company might be known in the Australian wine market, the company aim to inform the new entrants in the market about the existence of high quality wines from the company. In addition, the company will use the promotional strategy to protect its already capture customers from being attracted by the competitors. The promotional strategy will assist the company to inform its customers the main features and contents of the Wonnarua wines.  The use of the strategy would be the greatest attempt in ensuring that the customers in Australia are aware about the company’s brand (Frank, 2013). Winning the hearts of the customers through the use of the promotional strategy would enable the company to remain in the market for years. The promotional strategy would require funds for the employees and advertisement experts in order to be able to convince the customers to be willing to use the wine products from Wannarua wine company.  It should be understood that no company in the market can be able to succeed not unless it advertise itself to the customers.

The marketing strategy of the company would be based upon the marketing mix which will mainly include: product, place, promotion and price.


The Wonnarua wine products would be of high quality as the company target middles class income consumers in Australian market. Given the fact that the middle class income consumers in the market are less price sensitive, the company will be in a position to charge high prices for the high quality and 100% wine manufactured from grapes grown and manufactured in Australia.


Wonnarua wine company would be located at Hunter Valley Region where the middle class income wine consumers. The location is also appropriate for the wine company because other wine competitors are also located in this area. Therefore, the Wonnarua Company would be able to market and differentiate its wine brands from those of the competitors.


The company would use bloggers in the social media to advertise the wine products to the customers. Given that the wine products are new in the Australia market the use of the bloggers would be a great achievement as far as the company’s promotional strategies are concerned. The middle income wine consumers have a higher possibility to access the internet and it is possible for them to come across the Wonnarua wines being advertised through the internet.



Wines from Wonnarua Wines Company consider premium pricing strategy for its products because it target middle class consumers. The middle class income consumers are less flexible to the changes of the price of the products hence targeting them would enable the company to have a stable cash flow that would enable its to service its loan.

Marketing budget for the wine business

The marketing budget is estimated to be $10,000 an amount which will be used to cater for bloggers, promotional strategies such as branding and blending. As compared to the last years company budget which was $5,000, this year’s budget is expected to be high as a result of the need for the company to reach more customers and to expand to other market which it was not supplying its wines previously (Frank, 2013). Despite the fact that the marketing budget might seem high, the advantages associated with these costs are too high. Therefore, the company should go ahead and implement the budget.


Frank, K. (2013). Business marketing strategy. 6th Edition. Oxford University Press.