Aggregate Planning Supply Chain Management

Aggregate Planning is the Mathematical Approach to the business process we call Sales and Operations Planning.  This is the place where the Executive Team Collaborates to identify the best Demand and Supply and Financial Plans at an Aggregate Level with the goal to optimize performance based on all the trade-offs and inter-dependencies involved.
In order to explore the challenges a little from a Teamwork Perspectives, in this Discussion Forum let’s take a little walk in Someone Else’s Shoes. To do this, consider yourself wearing different hats so to speak: Marketing, Supply Chain (including Production and Distribution) and Finance.
Think about each of the key business functions as if you are the person responsible for that function.  For each Role:
Make a List of things that you might value / objectives you might have for your role.  Describe each one in full sentences.
Make a list of things that drive you crazy.  Describe each one in full sentences.
Consider and elaborate on the potential conflicts that can occur between the different functions based on the insight you gained in this exercise.
Share your ideas for enhancing collaboration in the Aggregate Planning Process for Demand, Supply and Financial Planning.